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Posts posted by d_g5

  1. If the image that comes out of the camera is strong to begin with then whats really the problem? Look I have an A700 and cant wait for the A900! I wont set it to 24mp all day (more like 6-12) sept for family portraits and any commercial work. the A700 and Nikon D300 are near equal up to ISO 800... 1600 and up the Nikon starts pulling away... but does that mean the A700 images are total crap? NOOO! Let technology address the problems with each generation until the problem is nearly solved! Nikon has almost done it... let Minolta (sorry) do it!
  2. Thats the beauty Douglas F... i'm sure sony will release the A900 to lure the pros in now then wait till next summer to release the lower priced A700 replacement possibly with full frame, (and with PenSung - Pentax/Samsung - threatening a full frame body I'm kinda sure it will happen...) just not this year. They may wait the full 18 month cycle before replacing the A700. If not, then that safely means that the A900 will be sub 2k probably at $1,900.00 body only then maybe $300-$400 more for the grip. I guess its like auto marketing. Let out the big priced Lexus then work your way down. That way you get all your money from each bank instead of everyone getting the cheap one then callin car buying quits!
  3. Who thinks that Sony will follow Nikon suit and release a 12.1 or 14mp A800 DSLR that will have full frame and be

    in the sub $3,000 price mark? Hell, who hopes for it? However if Sony only has the A900 out at 24.8mp it

    certianly makes me think though. I do family portraits, I think that being able to use my cameras full 24-70mm

    f2.8 wide to short tele will be worth it as well as having enough crop room in my 20ppl family portrait sessions!

    Bottom line, who thinks sony will release a 12-14mp mid-range full-frame dslr and why?

  4. Wow... nikon today till show a 12mp full frame dslr to compete with the Canon 5D (said to cost about 3k) if Sony answers with a 12-14mp full frame sensor in the 2k range I'd skip the A900 all together and go for the lower noise 12-14mp lower priced system without a seconds notice!
  5. Listen kid, embrace them both. You love film... that makes you rare. You just have to remember, film is kinda suffering now. Prices going up, labs supporting it less and less. All I'm saying is that yes get your film. But hey, keep your Nikon digital equipment. Hey, maybe you should try the Nikon D3. Use it like your film stuff. Is it that film is so much simpler than digital? I'd just have to say that the cost savings of digital outweigh the film stuff in the long haul. I'll by your skyport receivers!
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