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Posts posted by d_g5

  1. <p>Man. No doubt that this will replace the Alpha A900. Why would Sony make two products cannabalize each other? The A900 seems to have been an adoption test - would pros be willing. it seems that the call for a lower priced A900 prevailed. Now it seems as if Sony is letting the A900 retract from market to thunder out an upgrade. Dont believe me? How many more Canon 5D's did Canon outsell the 1ds Mark 2 by? LOTS! Full frame is what people wanted and at a reachable price. Sony looks like this is there original Canon 5D. The A900 is gone the way of the DoDo bird. I bit. I got one. But hey if I were looking for another full frame body... why not the A850? Its 1000 less than the A900 I just bought!!!!! Think about this as well. What do we need? Wifi. Better AF layout to cover more of the frame. SSD built in body. GPS. Video. Hell, I can imagine the next iterations of the Sony A900 and A700 series revealing themselves to be the higher priced FULL featured Sony DSLR's. Think about the heritage... Minolta Maxxum 7 top of the line Hi Ametuer. Minolta Maxxum 9 top of the line Pro. It is dumb for Sony to Kill the A900 in 12 months but if they've found a way to profit in the crapola economy and make marketshare headroom because of MP and a lower price... HAVE AT IT! Heck I even complained about he A900 price! If Ida saw the A850 ida waited!!! But hey, I got my 5fps so screw you A850! Screw you!</p>
  2. <p>try this... take the camera back to calumet. but before you do record the serial number. then go to a different calumet or other retailer and buy the 5D Mark II again! Hopefully it wont have the same serial #... but if it does... your just the luckiest canon user of all time!</p>
  3. <p>The skyports have a built in battery in the receiver and cannot be changed. Alienbees will not work with radio poppers as they are a manual system that just dumps power. It doesnt connect to a cameras metering system to talk with the camera to give through the lens (TTL) results.</p>
  4. <p>if 300 is your budget then i say get yourself an 32 inch white translucent umbrella and a lumo pro lp120 kit from mpex. you'd have 2 lights to work with instead of just one and that would help BIG TIME.<br>

    however if your really set on the photoflex solution you could get the nxt model. though there is only one main difference due to size its both are gonna be SMALL compared to 12 ppl (which is why i suggessted a second flash (at least as well as a larger modifiyer)</p>

  5. <p>Go with the paul c buff cybersyncs! The cybersyncs both are ultra reliable when they work. By when they work I mean there are some flashes (anything over 50 trigger volts) that wont work with the Skyports (like the Vivitar 285HV). Also, the Skyport receivers have this built in battery that is non-user replaceable but user rechargeable... meaning... in the longterm when that battery dies the skyport receivers wont work and you'll have to replace them!!! Paul C. Buff Cybersyncs on the other hand have $69 triggers that are battery operated as well as AA battery operated receivers that have no reported issues with flashes over 50 volts.<br>

    Correction: the cybersyncs don't have a hotshoe on the trigger.<br>

    Skip the Skyports.</p>

  6. <p>for what it sounds like... go with the MPEX lumopro lp120. i would've said go with a Vivitar 285HV but since they are now produced on one of the dreaded quality control issue having chinese factories go with the MPEX.com version. They offer the same output as the Vivitar 285hv. When you do, use them close so that the light intensity will be there. They only cost $129.00!!! All you'll need now is a way to trigger them. check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/285hv/ for images made using the 285hv.</p>
  7. <p>I think its much needed since the Vivitar production and rights have been handed over chinese production. Problems or not... the 2 year warranty would make many people feel a lot more comfortable. I do think that a higher output version with auto F-Stops would be useful... especially if it becomes 2 stops more powerful. (but we can all keep on dreaming about an F22 = ISO 100 @ 7ft with a hotshoe flash)</p>
  8. <p>As this flash looks poised to become the "New Vivitar 285HV" I wanted to know what people thought of it.<br /> Equivalent output as the Vivitar 285HV<br /> <strong>4 Sync options! - Optical Slave, Hotshoe, PC Sync, and 3.5mm Input Jack<br /> Zoom Head<br /> 270 degree Swivel<br /> 90 degree Bounce<br /> 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32 power output control<br /> 5 Sec Full recycle</strong><br>

    <strong>100% Full Manual</strong><br>

    <strong>(No auto f-stops - just pure flash nothing else.)<br /> </strong></p>

    <p>Wha'dya think photo.net? Think is has a chance to become the new legendary flash to take the 285HV's place? Its being touted as the "Strobist's Flash" It costs $130.00 give or take $10 for S&H in the US</p>

  9. <p>as long as it fires off camera when you hit the test button good.try this... get a high voltage regulator eg from wein get the hotshoe version. then try. If it doesnt work send back your investment and breathe easy you didnt spend tons of money.</p>
  10. <p><strong>G. Armour Van Horn</strong> Whats wrong with the 16 inch photogenics? (No offence.) I have 2 ebay 16inch beauty dishes. I use it very close and Viola... beauty light. I also have the 27.5 inch large ebay version. (I have grids for all when I want soft (spill) controlled beauty light. You can find a grid for them and have serious action. If you can't email this place saxonpc@yahoo.com and go to there website.... they make custom grids! I was quoted $60 for a 65 degree grid. (I suggest you get a 30 degree grid made. They make them from Plastic and Aluminum, get the aluminum - last longer).<br>

    Back to whats important. You already have 2 small dishes that you can use. Just find a way to diffuse the light more inside the dish and you'll be cooking with lava! In other words instead of riggin a reflector inside em to make a dish, just velcro some white ripstop nylon inside the dish to diffuse it closer to the flash tube so it'll be softer without a hotspot. I cant think of any VIABLE reason that it wont work for you. Just use em close cause of there size and see what you get.</p>

  11. <p>Dude... light is lihgt... go bees bees bees... ALIENBEES! With that kinda budget you can go bees and Zeus and have all your lighting needs overed and still have some money for 3 Canon 5D Mark II's ! a 24-70 mm lens, a 70-200 f2.8 IS lens and a n ultra wide angle lens! Then you can get 2 good computers and all you need. I can see not being able to clean house on 30k!</p>
  12. <p>Sorry it sounded like that Nate... its just hard to find a way for me to justify the cost difference. I've know people to have PCB gear just as long as there Profoto gear. The PCB gear has more mileage of course cause cost to accessorize and modifiy is lower. But in essence he said that "...the Profotos are the toughest built... but hey, how often are you actually slamming and dropping strobes around? in fact... until a strobe manufacturer creates a rain and snow weatherized unit (which will probably not be in our lifetime) the PCB's are damn good enough for me." That statement alone makes me question why people purchase instead of what. Is it good marketing? Hype? Needs? I'm just saying. Somebodies gotta prove to me that the profotos are actually worth their price. (Profoto fans... dont kill me... I'm just not seeing strobes beat down enough to justify the cost. Nor am I seeing color differences so wide that it demand a third or second look. I'm not even seeing a flash duration enough to upset me. But let me state this before I get mauled by the fanboy group... if I needed HIGH recycle speed... by all means I would pick the Profoto 8-Air. I just cant see any other compelling reason to go that posh.</p>
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