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Posts posted by mitchfalk

  1. Try the Power 2000-2900AH batteries, they're great for the days shoot as the "in flash" batteries, but I would get an external pack for an event shoot.


    I have a 40watt Digital Camera Battery pack and connecting cable, it really speeds up the flash and goes all day with plenty left to spare.

  2. Unfortunately "portable" & "powerful" don't usually go together when it comes to lighting, its either - or, unless you have a lot of cash to spend.


    I found an answer that works for me - I took a Dynalite 1000 watt pack and 1015 head (the 1015 head is convection cooled and draws less power than a fan cooled head) and power it with an Innovatronix battery triggered by PocketWizards. I can get at least several hundred full power flashes from this combination.


    The power pack rests in a hard sided top loading case with the cables running out of the top and down along the side of the case. Both the battery (on bottom) and case sit on a small folding wheeled luggage rack with the center shaft of a 13 ft. lighting stand welded to it, bungee cords hold everything securely to the rack.


    I also have a Alien Bees - Zeus ringflash that is compatable with the Dynalite pack, it can handle up to 2400 watts of power.


    You can also use the ringflash as the lighting head, from a distance there is not much difference in lighting.

  3. A dedicated film scanner such as the Nikon 9000 or the Imacons are good, but for critical work it pays to have your negatives professionally drum scanned.


    The Nikon 9000 has been out of stock at the major camera stores for months.


    Only a high end MF digital back in the 30 MP's plus range will give you anywhere near the quality of properly shot drum scanned MF negative.

  4. I just bought one last week, its beautiful. I looked at both the NEC and the Eizo - my main criteria being the angle of view issue.


    They both were so close in image quality that I didn't think paying double the price for the Eizo was worth it.


    Another thing - it has three inputs for multiple computers and a S-Video port. Just make sure your graphics card is up to par !

  5. I would go with packs and heads, most of the weight stays on the floor instead of on the top of some stands and especially booms. Monolights need separate power cords and wireless triggers for each head and are usually not as ruggedly built.


    If your not looking for portability go with Speedotron. They are built like tanks and last forever, a 4803 power pack and some mod. 102 color corrected heads will give you all the power you'll ever need.


    Dynalites are the best portable location lighting you can get, light - rugged and super reliable with great customer service.


    You can always get a 120/220 heavy duty power converter for your over seas trips.


    If your on a budget look on Craig's list, e-bay or the Pnet classifieds for some really good buys on used lighting.

  6. The combination of the 70-200 VR and a monopod is hard to beat. The monopod gives you alot of stability but has that small amount of motion needed for the VR to kick in. If your going to use a tripod, than save the money and get the 80-200mm.
  7. Is it me or has anyone noticed how crappy Pop Photo Mag has become - not the

    articles, but how the actual magazine is made. They switched to toilet paper

    thin stock and practically no binding. I have back issues from years ago that

    look like the day I bought them, the last issue literally came apart in my hands.

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