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western lifestyle photogra

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Image Comments posted by western lifestyle photogra

  1. Hi Margaret....I used a Canon 5D on this one with a 70-200 "L" series lens. Of course I liked your shot of the hooves. Horses are my business, so I'm always thrilled to see horse shots on here, especially abstract ones.FOR JOAN....Keep photographing those jumpers city girl. You have a knack for it.



    You need to focus more on the eyes. The hip is not her best asset and should not be in the forefront. Shoot this girl from the correct angle and you will greatly improve. Get a better facial expression out of your model. Best of luck.



    Here's my favorite cow "Hooky". She is named for her attitude not

    her whereabouts. She stands 6 foot at the shoulder and weighs 1600+.

    She wouldn't let the makeup artist anywhere near her and that was

    the best pose I could get out of her. Doesn't that look make you

    want to visit? Any constructive thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!

    Navajo Mountain

    I think this is one fine shot. I can live without some of the artistic photo shopping because it conveys a realistic feeling of being in a smoke filled sky. I've been close enough to large fires to appreciate this.
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