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western lifestyle photogra

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Image Comments posted by western lifestyle photogra


    I think you have alot of good things in this photo, but there are a couple of things I think would help. I would have cropped tighter on the right side to eliminate the heel of her shoe. I would have cropped along the edge of the black feed door and photoshopped out the white light in the top right hand corner. Keep at it!
  1. To me this is one of the better photos I've seen on here. This would be a great advertising piece as you really want to look at this photo. Congratulations for finding a great model in great shape. I think the muscles in her legs compliment the strength in the tree. Her youthful beauty contrasts the age old beauty from the tree. Nice idea, well posed model.Face it a hot model and an old tree never hurt any photo. 6/7

    Git R Done

    Hi Staale....Thanks for your idea, but the mother cow in the background watching her heifer be branded is an integral part of the action. Also the "hoodlum" (with ball cap on) known as the cook's helper has the job of ear marking this heifer with his butt right to the mother cow that may charge at any time in this situation. The "hoodlum" is low man on the cow outfit so he gets the worst jobs. This situation is a perfect example of that. Being I live on my own cow outfit I've seen this situation many times. I've also been on the receiving end of a MAD mother cow. It ain't fun!
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