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Posts posted by paulferesten

  1. <p>I was on the Adorama site and noticed that they still have a new 1Ds (11MP) for $1,999 as well as a new 5D for the same price. I was surprised to see a new 1Ds since it's 2 generations back, but I'm wondering which one is a better buy at that price. Any opinions?</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>I'm looking for a simple printout that shows the depth of field values for a 35 mm Summicron lens (and any others, also)<br>

    I'd like to have the exact measurements for each aperture on a simple index card reference tool.<br>

    Anyone seen this?<br>


  3. Has anyone purchased a camera from a company called Photo Dynasty. They are listing new Canon 5D bodies for

    $999. Sounds suspicious to me but I'd be interested to hear if anyone has bought from them and how it worked out.



  4. I will be setting up a portrait studio for the first time and would like some

    advice on lighting equipment. I will be doing portraits of from 1-4 people in a

    small studio. I'd like to know how many lights I really need to do this and

    which types. One store told me I need a three light setup minimum while others

    have said that one softbox will be enough. Trying not to spend a fortune until

    I know what I'm doing.


    Any advice would be helpful.



  5. I'm trying to decide between the new aspheric 35mm f2 summacron for

    my m6 vs a late model pre-aspheric version of this lens. I heard

    that the pre-aspheric has more of a classic Leica look (whatever

    that means).


    Also, since the majority of the late model pre-aspherics were made

    in Canada, I'm wondering if that's an issue vs. Germany.


    I'd appreciate any advice you could provide.



  6. I'm considering either a M4-2 manufactured in Canada or an early SN

    M6 from Wetzlar. I'd appriciate opinions of any significant quality

    or workmanship differences.


    I'd also be interested on opinions on early vs late sn M6's?

  7. OK, so here's something I can't figure out. I took a picture with

    two cameras, a Nikon D100 and a Canon 10D. Both are 6 Megapixels.

    Both were wet to the same ISO, apeture and shutter speed. Both were

    set to RAW. Basically the identical picture (same subject).


    Then both RAw images were processed in photoshop cs2 and saved as a

    JPEG using the same settings. The Nikon JPEG image turned out to be

    about 8 Megabytes and the Canon image turned out to be about 3.5



    So, what's the reason for that?

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