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Image Comments posted by cdaunis

  1. Me too, Tim, and I love this shot. I will spend hours and days at local ponds, puddles, brooks and pools trying to fill my card with shots like this. Autumn churns this melancholic, somewhat spiritual mood in me, and there's this juxtaposition with crisp, yet impermanent leaves and the background of soft sky fading into darkness in this shot I find compelling.
  2. Kasturi, thanks for your comment. I'll have to dig thru some cd's to find out, but IIRC, this is deliberately blurred (hand-held 200mm at 1/30 or slower) converted to grey, sharpening at 200% with a radius of 100 pixels. Probably also deliberately overexposed, too. Whatever I did, I'm glad you like it :)


    Darrell, many photographers (me included) lust after lenses, envy other's equipment, wonder at the workflow developed to twist and tweak an image, but truly the only thing important is light. The subject is widely ignored in favor the latest Canikoleic 85-400 f1.2 super zoom. 1% of the best photos were made with the best equipment, but 100% were made with light. Thank you for stopping by and sharing this interesting perspective. And as for this shot compared to the other, I could not agree more.


    Sarah, Vi, thanks for your comments! The pool kept me busy all summer long, both in the water and from my view above. Fascinating (to me) the shifting light, even as the season wore on, the differing angle of the sun and the manner in which the pool was used.


    Daniel is a friend to the sons of a friend, they attend the same child care center. A warm, sweet child...perhaps I'd best post a picture of Daniel when he's not so aware of the camera!

    Strathmartine Sky

    It's a joy to see your brilliant work on Photonet. Don't worry about the 3/3 ratings, sometimes literally within seconds after posting a picture I get a 3/3. The ratings are useless, anyway, except as much as they designate the volume of raters. The comments, however, are the key, and your work is bound to attract the attention of the Photonetters who count, but who may not rate. Anyway, welcome!
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