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Image Comments posted by luis-a-guevara

  1. Its a very nice moment that really induce to relax. It could have been better though ,with a better composition to eliminate those wooden boards and perhaps ,also , the stones in the right foreground that are not only distracting but do not contribute to the image in any way.Luis

    Close your eye!


    Exellent composition Maurizio.

    This is an exellent case of visual Recursion where there is an image based on another image, that blends in the eye to make yet another image.

    I like it vey much but those reflections on the Left side bother me , calling my eye away from that amazing Subject.The image is begging for a Clean up work in Photoshop. Luis



    Thanks . The sculptor is Kenneth Treister , an amazing person . He is an Architect , a Sculptor , a Photograper and a Writer. All the images in this folder are of his sculptures . He has an extraordinary ability to impart powerfull expression to his sculptures by focusing mainly on Body Language.

    This is the first folder of images that I made based on his work , another one is being prepared and would be uploaded soon.

    Thanks for your comments. Luis

    hut and buterfly

    Another great image to go along WHITE GLOVE II. You seem to have an ability to work wonderfully with a limited pallette of Middle Tones Only. Not every image needs to have a full range of tones from black to white . Less can be More. Luis



    I dont agree with Darius Tulbure that the artifacts are due to Softening Post processing ,instead they seem to be a slight posterization (Banding) clearly visible on her Knee, probably coming from Compression or maybe the image is in a color space other than sRGB (The internet color space) and therefore some tones that exeed sRGB get chopped off and discarded (This usually happens to the Reds and Oranges that this image has mostly )

    As it can be seen in this Graphic representation of color spaces ,where the Gosted image represents Adobe 98 Color space , and the Inner colored one the sRGB color space . Clearly all the light Orange and some red in the Upper Right quadrant are not possible in the sRGB model.

    Inadvertently saving a Photoshop file as JPEG without changing the Mode or the Color Profile to sRGB could create this unfortunate situation.



    This image shows exellent photographic skills and exessive Post Processing does not seem to fit with the clearly visible general level of skill of his Portfolio. An inadvertent ommission is more likely.

    Beautifull Model ,Perfect Lighting and impecable Focusing . I am sure that those artifacts are not present in his original image, only in the one that we are seing .Luis


    Pavel this image , to me , is the best of your Portfolio. Nowhere else you see such spontaneity , richness of Expression, delicacy of Tones . Nothing is forced in it . Those eyes are relaxed as they can be as much as the rest of her face . It all speaks of Calmness and Serenity .You can almost read her Soul.!! That is what I call Synergy. And what a Beauty she is .Luis



    Yeap! Doug Peck is right. Images should speak with one voice only and this one has too many

    and somewhat contradictory ones, in body language. There is tremendous potential ,though

    in both the photographer and the model if they can achieve Synergy. I am definetily marking

    this photographer as one of my interesting people.Luis



    Extremely nice Image. It is clear in your exellent portfolio that you have an infatuation with soft Light and that means that you are begining to See the Light. This is probably your best image and leaves me asking for more . So much softness in that girl is hiding in the lower tones that makes me think why is it that you favored all that Hardness in the Table Top? Perhaps in your desire to capture that elusive Light you are underexposing and loosing the lower tones. The same happened in your Kite Scene .You can handle that wide Dynamic Range with dual processing in Photosop if you have a Digital Workflow.It could also be that your monitor is set too light . I am watching them on a Calibrated 22 inch monitor and most of your images are a bit dark.

    It would be interesting to see what other viewers report in this regard.


  2. Tribulation seems to be part of the human condition, it comes and goes but it never leaves.Does this image express that feeling of anguish, doubt and self questioning that usually goes with it? Please don't hesitate to rate this image and the rest of this Theme


  3. Everything comes from the light . It even iluminates some Souls. Unfortunately there is a Bad side of the Light.... It can make visible what we much rather forget. The Human Condition.

    Can you see it here? Or perhaps Here ?


  4. Thanks Dennis. I can see that your interest is a genuine one and that although you are really following me, you are stumbling on Semantics.

    Similar to Fractals I attempt to use a form of Psychological Visual 'Recursion' to portray the notion of 'worlds within worlds' in my Conceptual images.

    I do this in a Symbolic way .In this image ,One World , drawn by One Light, splits into two Shadows that attempt to separate into separate Identities ,one small Zone of residual Oneness and interaction .Two big Zones of Separate identities.The small zone of Vestigial Interaction shows additive Intensity, implying that in that in Separation (Duality) there might be a Loss. It also shows a lot of Secondary Shapes in Negative Space that are not in the original objects , again implying that separation brings about Illusion. Maya.

    Try these other images where literal objects are absent. Luis




    Then look at your own image . I am not the only one fond of looking at the “..........Other Side of Light..”




  5. Dennis .Conceptual Imagery is many things to different people. It is just a label .It is Not too different from Abstract photography in the sense that both move away from the Scene ,back towards the Photographer . For these practitioners images are just a tool , or if you wish , an opportunity to transcend the mind and just be there as pure awareness , free to look in all directions , both toward the Scene reality ,and ,preferably ,towards Yours. Both of these realities ( Better yet Irrealities ) are embodied as you say , in the image. A Conceptual photographer is more interested in the Journey than on the Destination. He really photographs his or her inner world in a roundabout way to bring it to the forefront of his awareness .Therefore his images most of the time work only for himself .

    Not all my photography is conceptual, but most of it has no Story to tell as I try to prevent the observer's Mind from getting between the Image and Himself or Herself. I would like nothing to be in between. Just a direct contact with the essentials. The mind will always derail your attention to a Myriad of never ending memory associations that point towards the Past.

    ... "My images attempt to represent the Boundary between me and the Scene"

    This statement seems to trouble you, however the software that you developed at Altamira Group ,represents the same boundary between your Awareness and the Physical reality of Hardware. In that frontier you are almost becoming one with it and nobody except you knows and understands what you felt and continue to feel while you are there.

    According to your statement of intent in your Bio Page:
    “Your primary concern as a photographer is the subject, not an interpretation of the subject. ” You clearly and purposely define yourself as a Photographer and your purpose is to Reproduce reality.
    I on the other hand see myself as an Artist and my purpose ,therefore, is to Express my Self . I see my self as a sort of Visual Sculptor. I carve Personal Meaning out of suitable Scenes

    You are right , of course ,dialogue, is the stuff of life. By the way , Thank You for your contributions to the development of Scalable high resolution Digital Imaging Software. We owe you a lot.


  6. Thanks Dennis for your comments. If you read my Bio Page it would ,perhaps help you to understand, but I will try to elaborate a little bit here. The world and us are not separate but one, therefore every image that we make represents both the Scene and our Selves, It is our Interaction that, “a la Bresson”, is being captured. The Scene , as captured, is drawn by Light ,but our presence in the image , is not . You could say that it is ..at the other side of light.”

    That is why I deliberately played with the light by removing some of the color in some of the places where it hits and put some color in the shadows where it normally wouldn't be any. The intention was, if not to make my presence more visible , at least draw the observer back away from the Scene , so his attention would lie somewhere between the Scene and me. The Boundary.

    This style of Imagery is known as Conceptual and clearly it is not representative of the Physical World but of the World of Ideas and Concepts , the intention being one of Introspection and Self Discovery, where aesthetic pleasure is derived from the findings and not from the Image Itself.


    Not all my photography is based on this Style ,although to some degree there is always a trace of it , Please take a look at some recent additions to my Portfolio.




    Although the title is a bit poor, the power of expression is all in the image as it should be. Exellent economy of visual elements. It clearly suggest the cold of winter and I can even smell the Hot Chocolat!!


    Less is More.

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