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larry schaefer - chicago,

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Posts posted by larry schaefer - chicago,

  1. Very nice shots!


    "I don't currently own a flash, and wouldn't have the knowledge to use it (yet), so it was all available lighting the whole day."


    Hmmm? you may have momentarily defied the collective intellect of the entire forum. Amazing how things can have sucessful outcomes without a lot of angst and hand wringing overanalysis.

  2. Lauren you knew just what I meant.


    I am pleased to know that I have one (count 'em )good capture to my credit. Shucks! I'm improving all the time.


    Later comrades.

  3. Jason your last post was the type of response I was going after. Cool.


    I do feel pretty good today the jinx may be lifting, the weather is nice, AND the car is washed.

  4. Thanks Stacy


    Has anyone every said anything to you that "jinxed" you. Like, what if a camera jams, or what if you have a flat tire and did. These were the responses I was going for.


    I need no advice on the jinx cold I am just wondering if my microfiber lens clothes make good handkerchiefs. The thought of a runny nose obscuring the histogram - YUCK!



    This post was meant to be a light spirited contribution. I thought it was ironic that the bride asked about me getting sick and I DID not in a serious way but enough to feel nasty. Was I jinxed or not?


    I wasn't really trying to address the Attorney General's office about breach of contract or damages. And amazingly about the back up photographer deal; the point and shoot contingency was plausable because they were fringy about hiring someone in the first place.


    It seems they trusted me and I if could not get a sub the alternative would be the guest plan. Usually what you say up front keeps your head off the chopping block along the way.


    Anyway have you ever been jinxed?

  6. Who thinks that they have ever been "jinxed" when something has gone

    amiss during a wedding or event shoot?


    I am not highly superstitious but the bride who is in the little

    wedding I am shooting tomorrow asked this question during our

    initial consultation . . .


    What do we do if you get sick or if something happens to you on the

    day of the wedding? Since yesterday I have been coming down with a

    daunting cold. Nothing I can't power through as it is only a cold

    but I just feel like crud.


    Her question came to mind today while I was chewing on a zinc tab.


    Incidently, my answer was that if I could not show up and had no

    back up photographer I would notify them that I wasn't coming. They

    would be advised to tell as many guests as possible to bring cameras

    and I would refund any collected deposits.


    Thera-Cold time.

  7. Lisa that sign is actually a projection screen tied in with awesome audio. There is one on the left and one on the right side of the alter.


    On that screen they show words to the hymns (like Karaoke, words to prayers,and productions solicite more collections. Talk about hype.


    I PS'd the phrase under the word "Offering" to convey the zeal I have encountered regarding the non use of flash by certain clergy.

  8. I guess this goes 2 ways narrow it down and pick what you think is best OR give them the option of a somewhat larger selection.


    "Oh, I don't like the way my hair is flipping funny on my shoulder in this one..." Where I might not have even thought that was a big deal." I am in agreement with Kari if she means 3 or 4 at the most after assessing the merit of the image itself.


    Customers throw much better curves than major league pitchers.

  9. I am still taken back by being told that flash is prohibited be- cause it is poperazi-like and detracts from the ceremony. Most churches charge the B/G for the use of the church at this point I would want it my way.


    The real frosting is when they fire up the left and right matching Jumbotron looking projection screens to promt to and promote to the congregation. Tell me this doesn't have some Madison Square Garden appeal to it. More gimmicky than flash.

  10. Mary,


    I have a question on this guide print exercise that you do with your lab(s). Being dialed in with the lab makes good sense. How does one standardize on a given given color, which color, caucasian skin tones for example? And what is skin tone these days, many women look like glowing orange pumkins due to tanning, bronzers, and all this glow radiance goop. What is you standard for balance color. Do you have a set for a foggy day at Martha's Vinyard and a set for a sunny day. Have you compiled a library of your color preferences?

    Can you simplify your lab discipline techniques. One wedding to the next shot at different places the real colors will be different. Or do you make color fit into your own box regardless of variable environments?


    It would be good for me have some insight on this as I have just started working with a custom lab who produced some prints from digi captures directly from non-tweaked files. The initial results were amazing. Personally I think the skin needs to pink up just a touch but the overall results are great.


    This lab concept is also favorably reforming my view on album work and reprints.

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