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Image Comments posted by jhaugs

  1. Well, I really think that you did make an more interessting image than that guy..

    How many images haven't we seen of beautiful landskapes, lines and formes, and beautiful shades of colour?

    By actually having the man in the imaage makes it more interessting..well, thats what I think!! I love how the guy is black, but you can still see his image on the screen.an image with in the image :)

    I think this is really interessting, and it's cool to see the "backside" of an image...if you know what I mean??!?!




    that is actually one of the best portraits of a baby I have seen in a long time. I think it is the calm expression of the baby, the composition is so harmonic, where the line smoothly goes throug the image, and frames in the beby nicely. I digg the colours!! the blue on the spoon helps the blue in the eyes be brighter. i am wondering why the baby is eating somerthing blue, but that makes it just a bit more interessting.

    i love it!!! really really beautiful!!!




    i have been into your web site, and I must say that these ones that you have put in this page is nothing compared to some of the ones you have in your web page.. I think this one is ok, mabu its too red?? i wold love to see some of the black, really black, so it would have some contrast. but cool
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