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Image Comments posted by timeforpictures

    Two to Tango

    I enjoy taking pictures of the younger players. Just more fun! I usually have someone else taking the older kids and enjoy myself while working with the younger ones! Thanks for your comments!



    I love the action! Every is great. I wish I could see the runner's face but it's not like you could as for a "do over"! LOL


    I love seeing these shots! Congrats!

    Field General

    Wouldn't work. This particular tournament was a county championship tournament. Hard enought to get a Media Pass on the field. Tournament photography with National Sanctioning events such as ASA or NSA or School events are real picky about where and how you work these tournaments so it's hard to set your conditions you have to take what comes. Looking from the parents viewpoint (who are my customers) it's important to get the facial expressions and of course the action. Thanks for your input. Let me know if you come up with anything else. I use a polarizing filter on my smaller lens but I haven't purchased one for this Sigma 120-300 f2.8. That might have helped?

    baseball boy

    This is what I call "Action Portraits". One of the biggest sellers in my business. If you're a parent you've got to love these on occasions! I personally think this is a great shot. Love the eyes they have an "intense" look!

    Field General

    Trying to keep her face from being to dark from the shadow of her visor, how would you have handled the shot. (I didn't feel is was overexposed. Just a white shirt with direct sun on it) Shooting these type of tournaments we are limited on movement and of course "NO FLASH". I could use any suggestions as I have these problems frequently.

    first game (edit)


    Great photography. To me you have caught the essence of Youth Sports Photography and that is memories! I have actually taken simular pictures of my team every year. I love them in sepia as well and I usually process them as 4x10 panoramic prints.


    Great shot! Thanks for sharing!

    Batting Practice


    Good shot. Usually you get the better batting photo on a right handed batter from the 1st base side. You got this one in a complete follow-through. A couple of items...


    Because of the fence, this would have been a better picture with a f2.8. This would have made the batter stand out better against the fence.


    Of course, not a lot you can do about the next one, unless you have a good burst but the hand across his face is a bit distracting.


    Thanks for sharing your picture with us!

    Stealing Second...

    I'd really like to understand the ratings. Please take the time to let me know how to better improve. Especially for those rating under a 4 (I figure that's just average). I'd like to know what makes a pic below or even above average. Thanks for your help!
  1. I would have cropped a lot tighter since this picture is not showing action but the setup. Also this would have eliminated the the shoulder of the player to the left of the image. I've taken the liberty of cropping and working on color and contrast. Tell me what you think.


    Blue Forest

    I do believe this is one of the best models that I have seen. Your work on her is exquisite! Beautiful eyes and hair. You really seem to bring out the best. I do believe that this is one of the best image of her yet (and believe me, it's hard to choose). Just curious, I think you are from Romania (I read that somewhere), do you shoot in the states now? Is Diana from the States? Where else have you been published? I would love to see some more of your work.
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