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Image Comments posted by libeso

    Outside The Box

    Yikes.. I drive around all day looking for these... great capture and with the B/W it really delivers the foreboding and ominous emotion that I like. If you had a chance on retake I wonder if changing the angle so that the foreground pine might be more out of the shot but then the framing would be to symmetric perhaps.


    wow... powerful shot. I really like the maine and the hair blowing off int he same direction .... the background withe birds and mountain only give it more power... is this as shot?


    I few things I would have liked to see her left shoulder raised more and her looking over ... gives a playful yet feminine look... the wrinkles in the garmet are a bit distracting - I always lose focus on that one. I like the sexiness of garters exposed but sometimes I find the ruffles distracting for my taste.


    I few things I would have liked to see her left shoulder raised more and her looking over ... gives a playful yet feminine look... the wrinkles in the garmet are a bit distracting - I always lose focus on that one. I like the sexiness of garters exposed but sometimes I find the ruffles distracting for my taste.


    I few things I would have liked to see her left shoulder raised more and her looking over ... gives a playful yet feminine look... the wrinkles in the garmet are a bit distracting - I always lose focus on that one. I like the sexiness of garters exposed but sometimes I find the ruffles distracting for my taste.

    The essence of red

    Love the detail and color (obviously :->) if I were to give it any critique I woiuld like to a little less DOF on the stamen... but having done some macro myself... I think this is as good as it gets.


    the petals are great... there is a little drop off in the sharpness in the center green (understandably given the aperature you likely shot) ... but In my opinion it's slight distracting.



    wow looks like this shot has some great potential.. realizing that nature works against us sometimes do you think the shot might benifit from constrasting and lowering exposure in the middle (if the information exist digitally) and brighten the shadows on the bottom. From I see that is the real story (the maze of ice/mud?) on the bottom.


  1. YIKES!..... Great stuff... I spend alot of time out west and have been to arches (if this is where this is) and yea great new perspective. the only thing I'd play with is seeing if you can open up the sky a bit ... getting the same color /whitebalance in the top as you you can see through the arch... perahps that becomes too distracting ... not sure.



    swee symetry ... love it. To make it perfect .. if you have the information (digitally speaking) ... where the horizon and sky meet I would love to see that blue meet the road more if you can tweak that out. One thought might be to add a levels OR saturdation adjusment layer in photoshop and see if there is enough information there to make a shot.


    Great shot though... composition is spot on.

    Tree in snow

    I like the idea.. I've been working on this too a bit but I have been unable to define the subject (a tree as you did here) enough for my liking. My thought would be to either shoot lower (to take out more of the background trees) or change the angle slightly so the tree structure is more defined. From what I can see I assume the tree is iced - and these are rare events so I know ... unfortunately it may be difficult to achieve...sometimes you have what you have :->
  2. I'm always looking for a good infrared subject .... this really does it. I'm not sure if this common (stacking like this) but it's pretty interesting. regards to compostion... I like it ... one thing I wonder is where there have been some benifit in croping out the tree on lower left and ... also I find that the stack (which is really intersting) melds too much into the foreground... perhaps some photoshop layering?..


    anyway great shot.



    I really like the shot... my inclination is to crop out or clone out the horizon as it's somewhat, in my opinion, distracting to the strong theme ... though I have no idea how would show the that its fog...


    anyway great shot.

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