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Posts posted by nickr

  1. Since you didn't mention bokeh on your original list, I'd recommend the VC Nokton. It's OFA

    isn't so bad; certainly not as bad as the 40. I own a tabbed Summicron, Summilux, and a

    Russian 50mm. I owned a Nokton 1.5 and a coll. Summicron. Having owned all these, I

    wouldn't hesitate to shoot with the VC if I still had it. I only sold it to add some value to a

    body I was selling.

  2. Actually, you have blotchy, uneven development across the entire shot not just the left edge,

    but it may be hard to see on some monitors. I had this same problem when I've tried to go

    with reduced agitaion, and like Neil, it was when I used a two bath developer. Now I use the

    manufacturer's recommended agitation and it hasn't reoccurred.

  3. At one time, a point-and-shoot camera user would have said the same thing about a Leica.

    "Too complicated and difficult to use compared to my Brownie" Some things are complex

    because they need to be to work better. Very little in the way of new technology can't be

    handled with patience, diligence, and the willingness to actually take the time to read the


  4. I take it you want to record the light beams themselves using the church interior as a

    backdrop? You don't actually see the beams but rather the reflections off dust and smoke

    particles. So think how you would record surface detail off of a reflector. Point your incident

    meter at the beam the way you sometimes point it at the light source or reflector when taking

    a portrait. The trouble is guessing what is the reflectance of said particles. I'd guess maybe

    50% and bracket from there.

  5. For a hundred dollars, you could probably get a good FSU camera and a couple of nice lenses

    depending on where you live. I know a dealer of Russian cameras in the NYC area who sells

    them for about $35 apiece. He doesn't do internet and I don't feel like being a middle man.

    The cheapest new Bessa is the L sans lens and no RF/VF for $99.

    If you do decide to go Russian, also consider the Keivs as Michael said.

  6. I used to do this in the eighties, an individual portrait and a group shot of the team. The

    group shot can be done outside no problem. For the individuals, we used a three light setup.

    There was a hairlight and two Navatron heads without umbrellas. We also used a backdrop.

    But, we always found a way to shoot the individuals indoors. We did dozens of these in some

    of the crappiest fields around but we never did the individuals outside. There's gotta be a

    clubhouse or pavillion you can use. Pressure the league; that's what we did.

  7. Donald,

    How do you arrive at 4-5 stops through the base. A red 25a filter is pretty dark and is a 3

    stop difference. I would expect 4-5 stops to be almost opaque to the naked eye. Unexposed

    and developed base is not that dark. Base plus fully overexposed emulsion is, however,

    pretty dark. Is this what you meant. (undeveloped emulsion is pretty dark also, but since it's

    light sensitive from either direction it doesn't count). I'm sure I'm missing something simple.

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