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Image Comments posted by mark_starr

    Let The Day Begin


    When I saw this photo it reminded me of the space program. (OK, I am a little strange...) To me it looked like the moon in the distance and the path of a Saturn V after lift-off, tracing it's path across the sky as it heads to it's far distant goal. It took as much hubris then as this little plant has now in it's effort to reach the sun itself. It is great when you can take three simple things and turn them into something that makes the viewer ponder - nice shot, and I hope the plant makes it-




    just a great smile you have captured. I would like to see it without the vignetting as well, as it calls the viewer's eye away from her face, perhaps because it feels unbalanced with it being light on one side and dark on the other, Worth a try perhaps, but still a great portrait-


    Little Frog.


    Reminds me of Kermit with those eyes. It sort of looks like he is a little embarrassed about having his portrait taken, but when he sees the results I know he will be pleased! Excellent job- great colors and dof - very nicely done - a portrait that shows his character -


  1. Lovely shot - great expression and pose and I really like the setting and the tones you have used. I wonder if her face was brought out a little more if it would lessen the competition with the brightness of the grasses and her clothes? Nicely done -


    Nepali Man


    Fantastic portrait, and what a superp series - I really like the intimacy the close up portrait provide. Your engagement with your subjects make these stand out from the crowd. Great colors and expressions on your subjects - really great series-


  2. A very sweet image, and I like it in black and white - great tones to it, and the size of the blanket in relationship to the girl shows both the work involved in towing it behind her and the obvious importance she attaches to it.




    This is such an absolutely charming portrait - the painterly quality you have achieved here is really spectacular. The combination of softness in the background and as she fades into it and the crispness of her eyes, nose and mouth are simply wonderful. This is just a perfect image - mesmerizing. When a portrait can do that, with someone the viewer doesn't even know, it has really hit the mark - this is a portrait!


    Giulia 1


    If this is your first try at this, I can't wait to see what you do next! Excellent - a very beautiful portrait in all ways - I suggest you keep going!




    I almost never comment on nudes, as too many of them are merely naked women on this site, but this is a nice change from the rest. The colors are very pleasing, and the sense of motion is done very well. The viewer can concentrate on the woman's dancing and her mood, rather than body parts. Very nicely done -


    Bright Eyes


    A very cute shot, but my first reaction was to the blue color as well - perhaps you could try a warm tone if not in straight black and white to see what you think. Other than that, it is a very nice shot!


  3. I think this is a lovely portrait of the young lady. The wonderful romantic feeling you have given it sets this image in no particular time, making it a more universal statement. The pose, the flower in her hair, and her setting by the lake with the reeds to the left give it a Victorian flavor, as does the texture and muted colors you have chosen to use. Her pose goes very well with the overall feeling you have achieved, and her quite expression and direct gaze into the camera add to the aura of serenity that emanates from this photo. This is the type of portrait that one can look at for hours on end, so I hope it is hanging in front of a comfortable chair! Excellent work-




    I will confess that I almost never comment on flower shots, but your images in this folder are outstanding and fall, for me, into the category of "boy, I wish I had taken those photographs..." They are so removed from the ordinary flower shots on this site because they make use of all of the prerequisites for a good photograph - they don't just depend on saturated colors to try to make the image. I like these images so much I am even tempted to take a shot of a flower myself!




    I love this image- the smoky and surreal feeling, the way the water and the sky meet, and the block in the foreground compositionally. (The block reminds me of the roof of a house -perhaps too much talk of global warming and seas rising...) The whole feel of the image is magical, and isn't that what photography should bring to the viewer? On a side note, are you from around Newport? I do a lot of shooting around those parts.




    This is another amazing and powerful portrait. Of course the detail of this particular man's face certainly play a large role in this, as do the wonderful tonal range that you have created, but for me, the real essence comes from the photographer not being afraid to engage with the subject. Up close and personal makes so much more of a statement and adds so much more power to the image. There is no getting away from his direct gaze, and it forces the viewer to confront him in the way you did. We are forced to ask questions in our own mind about him - no getting around it. Many street shots on this site are forgotten seconds after viewing them - not this one- great portrait in every respect-




    While this is certainly a cute young lady, I think this feels too much like a passport photo - it shows what she looks like, but not who she is. I am only saying this because the other portraits you have in your portfolio are outstanding in that regard. You have so much feeling and artistry in the others that this pales in comparison. It is a good photo technically perhaps, but next to your others if feels a little plain. I hope I am not coming across as harsh, as I certainly don't mean to be, but take this as a measure of how highly I regard the other portraits in your collection. They really are wonderful, and I hope this is a warm-up for others of this girl to come!


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