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Posts posted by nick_breedlove1

  1. I've got the 20D and I'm using the 70-200 2.8. I get razor sharp

    results with that lens...kinda scary how detailed things are. I put

    the 2x extender (made by Canon) on and my results are soft to say

    the least, that detail is gone...of course I know it doubles the f-

    stop and requires more light, but come on, looks like someone

    smeared a bit of vaseline on my lens. Has anyone else ran into this

    problem? Maybe I'm expecting too much.




  2. I've looked everywhere and can't find the new SB-E1 speedlite bracket...BH doesn't have it,

    or I'm searching under the wrong thing. Is this really the best bracket for the 20D and the

    580ex? From the look, it doesn't look like it allows the flash to be rotated for vertical pics.



  3. I think the easiest way is to File -- Automate -- Web Photo Gallery. You select the source

    folder (your pics) and the destination folder. Then you specify how large you want the final

    scaled down images to be. It'll create a webpage with your images on it. If all you want is

    the images and not the web page, then just grab the images folder out of the destination

    folder and delete the few icons, .gif files it throws in there. Just my $.02.

  4. So I found on Amazon, there is a zshop seller with a 20D and a new lens for $724.00

    which has free shipping.


    I contacted the seller, because I paid close to $1400 for my 20D without the lens.


    I said this must be grey market or refurbished. He emailed back and said that yes it was

    refurbished US version with full warranty. Figured was a scam, but my credit card company

    would refund me the money if it was. I went to order through Amazon, it said that he

    didn't accept Amazon Payments.


    I emailed him back and he said he takes money orders only. So I thought whatever. But

    then he emailed me back and said he would send me the camera, NOT COD and I could

    pay him once I got it and was happy with it.


    This strikes me as odd...part of me wants to go for it, but the other part of me is like huh?



    What do you guys think?

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