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Posts posted by v.anisimov

  1. "...So Vlad, Mr. Nice Guy, do you you even have a clue on the answer?.."


    Yes, I do, Mr Ken Papai, the RAW Nazi.


    As I've been informing you from time to time, I shoot RAW almost exclusively however, unlike you, I'm forcing RAW down people's throats.


    I shoot mostly portraits and/or BW (yes in RAW) and sRGB served me well so far. However I did have troubles with some colorful/contrasty landscapes/sunsets/etc and I wish I used Adobe RGB and the time. Next sunset will be post-processed into Adobe RGB - you bet. FRom RAW, yes Sir!


    I'm learning every day. You on the other hand appear to be beyond hope in your mindless policing of RAW isage. Get a life.

  2. "...I posted here for help not for egotistical comments..."


    Christi, your daily questions are not only boring but indicate of the following trends:


    - Abuse of Photo.net resources. When you post a question what does the system ask you twice before you hit the submit biutton? SEARCH. It asks you to search. All your quuestions have been asked millions of times before.


    - Patronising sexism. If you had a male name you'd receive little more than RTFM responses from all those wonderful blokes out there.


    - Selfishness. "I'm buying a camera!" Who cares?! Show us your pictures, ask interesting questions about composition, technical aspects of photography, not moronical "Ok, the camera arrived, nor what" nonsense.


    I will try to ignore your posts, but it's damn hard not to see them, you're a fast typer.

  3. Marlene - I think you have a soul mate - check out Christi Jones' daily posts, she's a few days in front of your cycle:


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/shared/community-member?user_id=2114870">Christi Jones' profile</a></p>

    So far she's probably covered most of your potential questions, including the following:


    20D quick question; 20D or 350 XT ?'s about lenses; One last decision...need advice; First DSLR purchase ....after research need suggestions; Close to a decision but a couple more questions...; Ok, its done! I ordered...; Ok, I gave the camera and these lenses, what else?; My 30D arrived today, still waiting on the lenses


  4. "...there are no pictures when i'm reloading..."


    Peter - I find the opposite is true for me. When I have no camera with me I often see more opportunities. I think it's because when I have my camera with me I'm looking FOR things, without the camera I'm looking AT things. Thus, I need to start looking AT things and opportunities will come.

  5. "...alas, I have not seen a camera that does this. *sigh* ideally I could shoot RAW + Super Fine JPEG..."


    Jim - most EOS dSLRs can shoot RAW + any size JPG you want. Eg, my 20d can shoot RAW + Large Fine JPG. Or RAW + Small Fine JPG, etc

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