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Posts posted by medved_bedrich

  1. I am from Czech rep, Flexaret VI or VII in good condition costs about 1500 CZK that is about 50 dollars. If you will need some spare parts or new camera write me an email.


    Regards Slavek


    P.S.: Yashica MAT124G is Much Much better that flexarets, Lenses are comparable but user comfort and funcionality are highly above the flexas'

  2. Hi, I have some spare money so I think about changing my Sigma

    17-35/2.8-4 for some fix-focuses. Definately, I'll buy the Nikkor 35/2

    or 1.4 (luck?) but I want something more wide. Can you give me some

    notes about Nikkor 18/2.8 or 20/2.8 ?

  3. buy Flexaret if you want a decoration for your working desk


    buy Yashica if you want a reliable camera.


    You know, I had 5 flexarets till now. Everytime the one got broken I bought another one. Buying another one is much cheaper than the repair. And 2nd shops here (Czech Republic) are crowded with Flexarets.


    Flexaret VI can by bought here for 30 dollars in superb condition

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