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Posts posted by rossb

  1. One more from the quilt show in Santa Cruz. My wife is a quilter and so I go to a lot of places with quilting, fabrics, machines and all that. Sewing machines are kind of like camera's as over the last few years they have turned from mechanical precision machines to computerized marvels. 1/30th a second and at f2.5 as it was dark inside the building.



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  2. Just whatever you want to do. It's just taking pictures of stuff. I shot 35mm for years and gave it up for MF film and then a couple weeks ago my son gave me a Leica M6 and now I am back to 35mm. I have a digital camera and it works fine. It's not a fun camera to me but I wanted it for travel and a bit of video. I think digital camera's should have wifi so you could use it like a tablet.
  3. Wilder Ranch State Park in Santa Cruz County. I buy a state park pass every year so that I can drop into the various places to mull around and take photos Kodak 400 on this barn. This place has an abundance of barns and old farm equipment. I was wrong about film for sale. We have a new Wallgreens that I had not gone into and so I dropped by today and they sell Kodak in 200 and 400 for a high price. I asked the young girl if they sell film and she said "You mean film for digital cameras" It made me laugh inside but with a little kind discussion she showed me where photo stuff was at and there it was. I bought a 3 pack of Gold 200.



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  4. 393502476_jpegweb.thumb.jpg.8836c8045ff357cbd9fdcde3b14e74f2.jpg Trying to adjust to 35mm photography using cheap film. This is Kodak UltraMax. Sometimes it looks ok and sometimes the colors are bizarre. At least so far. Now that I have the Leica M6 I figure the thing to do is use it for most photos and Portra is to expensive to snap away. Currently I am out of film and there is not a roll for sale in the county so I am waiting on the truck.
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  5. "I took it apart again and the stripe problem is still there."


    - That sounds like a speck of dust sitting on the 3-line sensor and partially blocking one or more of the strips of RGB filtered 'pixels'.


    Often the lens and sensor assembly isn't fully enclosed, so locating the scanner lens and using an air blower behind it might well shift the offending particle from the sensor. The lens and sensor are located behind a delicate 45 degree mirror, so at your own risk obviously.



    Thanks for the tip but with the ISRD broken I am not going to work on it again. As it is now I can still use it with fresh developed negatives which is what I do the most. However I am going to purchase a new V600 shortly or possibly the V800. I am just trying to decide if I want to buy a 4x5 or not. E6 photography with a 4x5 would possibly yield some great things in print and some terrible news to the wallet. I did just upload a photo that I took this morning with Ektar at Gibson beach in the classic camera forrum. Scanned with my broken scanner.

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