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Image Comments posted by luis_santos2



    Bom preto e branco. Gosto da composicao apesar dos elementos em primeiro plano nao respeitarem o equilibrio do registo, dado pela ponte VG. Penso que o uso de um filtro graduado p/ a parte superior da imagem, poderia dar ainda mais forca esta magnifica fotografia. Os meus sinceros Parabens!


    Good black and white. I like the composition despite the elements in first plan do not respect the balance of the register given by VG bridge. I think that using a graduated filter on the superior part of the image could give more stenght to this magnificent photo. Congratulations!

  1. The foreground rock conducting my eyes to the edgy stone, abruptly razing from the ground and touching the sky lighten by a dying sun. I like the composition. All elements are in place in my opinion. A very well framed photo with good dynamic range. Congratulations!
  2. The woman is everything in this photo. I admire your patience waiting for all tourits went away so you could grab the moment, though I would forget every thing else and tryed to get a closer shot of the subject. I think her expression and position are amazing. Congratulations!


    Gosto deste p&b. Conseguiu deixar toda a informacao que havia p/ visualizar do local, ie, sem a queimar. Parece-me um local cheio de potencialidade p/ quem gosta deste tipo de registo. parabens pelo trabalho.


    Very well executed. It's a shame the burned sky on the right. Though you gave it a very good framing and beautiful colors. Congratulations!


    Hello Linda! I like the colors in you photo, particulary the one you achieved in the sand. I though must tell you that your foot prints (perhaps), unbalance the photo harmony. Just a thougt and please don't get me wrong.


    Very good image. I like the way the horiont line is abruptly crossed by the edge stone. the slow speed also gives a mystical mood to this beautiful landscape. Congratulations!

    *** 014

    Like the way the body is lihghten. you captured a very dramatic expression. I'd tied to fade away the lower arm and body. I can see what ever you used to hide those parts. Congratulations! It's a very good picture you've here.
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