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Image Comments posted by luis_santos2


    Very well seen! did you fliped the camera in 45 degree angle or did you do it on the printing process? Either way it's a beautiful image with all those diagonal lines and soft blue gradient scale. Congratulations!

    Lagoa do Fogo

    Viva Nana! Sempre c/ um olhar apurado e pronto p/ fazer belos registos. Interessante como o n/ olhar fica aprisionado no confluir das diagonais que nos encaminham p/ a lagoa. As proprias nuvens e flores parecem guiar-nos. Muito bem visto.
  1. lovely B&W! Our eye is conducted through the stream in camuflaged "S" curve ending in a majestic diagonal wall of mountains that are very well framed by a very well cuted U curve, midways. Congratulations for your brilliant image!


    Very good image. Compression of plans and diagonal lines. The mountains in the foreground at the same time play the role of frame conducting our eye into the background and drawing an interesting "U" or "V" curve. Congratulations!
  2. Amazing composition! The diagonal line in the foreground unveiling all that triangular dunes it's really outstanding! It's not only the triangular dunes but also the triangular and shadows as well! I think the sky in the background plays its role very well. Very soft sky contrasting with the sharped dunes. Congratulations Dionys, you captured and worked very well this scene!

    Neptune's Path

    Hi Luis! When I saw the first picture of your portfolio I found a remarkable resemblance with the work of Nana Sousa Dias. Are you two relatives? The name Dias is just a coincidence? Keep up the good work and congratulations!
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