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Posts posted by dugger

  1. Welcome Natacha,I have found everyone here to be great to hang with... lots of good comments, criticism and humor... at least most have a good sense of humor ;) Love the composition of your shot! Keep 'em coming!
  2. I second Jeff's recommendation. Have had Noise Nija for a couple of years and it hasn't dissapointed. I don't consider it a crutch, rather a tool that allows me to concentrate more on composition and the moment than on how noisy the image will be.
  3. Excellent discussion all. In the video world, we have what's known as a waveform monitor to check the amount

    of "luminosity" within a picture. It basically does the same thing as a histogram (just costs a whole lot more). <br>

    <br>What I've learned over the years is that rules, i.e. "shoot right of center on the histogram", should be considered

    a starting reference point - not the golden rule. If you're in a dark room with a single light, the histogram would be

    overwhelmingly shifted to the left due to the lack of overall luminance in the scene - not neccessarily a bad thing if

    you're shooting "Dracula" for example. <br><br> To me, where the bulk of the histogram hits is not as important as

    whether it is hitting the left or right ends of the spectrum. Yes, more noise if it leans left... that's what low ISO and

    noise plug-in's are for. And of course, exposing way to the right loses all detail - which can work too,<i> see the

    ending of "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" or any "angelic" type scene etc. </i><br> <br>I guess all I'm saying is,

    the histogram is an invaluable tool and an advantage to us all in creating technically correct images... just don't let it

    take control of your creative thoughts and ideas.<br><br> I'll get off my soapbox now. :)

  4. What fun!!! Here's my first attempt at "Drawing with Light" using a "Mini-Mag" flashlight to write with and an off-

    camera flash bounced into a makeshift reflector (my cars reflective window shade). Hyperfocal focus centered @ 12

    ft. Props to my wife for art direction and pushing the button! <br> <center> <img src

    = "http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7864492-md.jpg"> <br><b> SMC-A 50mm 1.7 - ISO 100 - 20 sec. f/8 - Exp. comp

    +1</b> </center>

  5. Paul, yes I'd like to make sure that infinity would be available... thanks for the tip. Although, it looks like a genuine Pentax adapter is not very accessable in the U.S. Going down to my local camera store tomorrow and see if one can be ordered.
  6. I've enjoyed looking at all these photos... (1st reviewed on my phone as we had lost power for 8 hours on Sunday). My Fave's so far:<br> Mis's fence shot - Adam's eye - Hin's lantern's and food (awesome) - Dave B/W home (stunning use of DR) - Garry's Lizard 'n glass - Robert's Pennsylvania bridge - O Shiva's Kids from the hood (really captured their spirit) - Javier's spider (is that thing for real?) - Andrew's son (seen that look from my daughter once or twice) and Haig's airplane wing shot.
  7. It's all about the marketing... I NEED a FF Pentax to go along with my Air Jordans- (like I NEED since the marketers imply they'll allow me to jump higher to get a better angle of the picture I'm taking.) <br> In all seriousness, Justin hit the nail on the head. It's all about the sales and what demographic will spend the most. Unless FF sensor cameras take over the market, it would be the death knell of any competing manufacturer to make the committment at this point in time. <br>Anyone know the current market share that FF has right now and if it's increasing/decreasing?
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