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Posts posted by dugger

  1. <p>Shot this a while back and wanted this forums thoughts on it. If you notice the girl in the shot, she is a bit blurry, which I think adds to the shot, but her reflection is not... I have a thought as to why but it's not based on anything scientific and I was wondering if any of you might be able to explain it, or better yet reproduce the effect.<br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7687302-md.jpg" alt="" width="679" height="510" /></p>

  2. <p>Awesome variety Peter! With that in mind, I look for emotional feel as to what makes me want to look even further (turn the page so to speak). Here are my picks:<br>

    IMG 7141<br /> IMG 1692<br /> IMG 1323<br>

    I really liked quite a few of the horizontal photos, but couldn't see them translating what I liked about them since they would have to be cropped to fit the magazine format and would lose a lot of what I liked.</p>

    <p>Hope that made sense.</p>


  3. <p>Good day all! Thought you might like to see an in camera process from the K7. Here's a shot of my wife's birds taken with the 50-200 kit lens. Process was the in camera "pastel" digital filter option. Only photoshop use was for resizing.</p><div>00VF7h-200269684.jpg.2a3728772f4bc9cd03146516796a432b.jpg</div>
  4. <p>Wonderful to hear Michael. Hope you enjoy the trip, though I never understood the attraction to cross country skiing ;). Happy Holidays to you and your family.</p>
  5. <p>Garry. Here's a couple of things we've done in the past for some food commercials we've shot on video. <br>

    Low tech option to steam is to soak some cotton balls in water and heat up in the microwave. Place them appropriately hidden behind the item you want steamy. You'll have about a minute of steam for your shot. A small microwave next to the display for quick turn-around is helpful.<br>

    Additionally, (but not necessarily for this shot), a mister bottle filled with glycerin and sprayed a bit on the veggies will give a "just harvested/really fresh" feel to them.<br>

    Definitely diluting the wine helps with seeing it.<br>

    A wet cotton cue tip will help pick up any unwanted crumbs and saves post processing time.</p>

    <p>With all that said... gotta say your shot looks pretty darn good...</p>

  6. <p>Great start John... thanks for the lesson.<br />Ben- I'm starting to see it too... looks like I'm gonna have to get a reversal ring myself.<br />Matthew - lol... Now that's funny right there!<br />Maria - The "what the?" look on Bobby's face says it all!<br />John - awesome bridge shots... I really would have expected more fisheye from the 12 mm. Did you use lens correction and how close were you to the bridge?<br />Michael - All 3 are keepers... love the fog!<br />Ian - The blend of contrasts and DOF is really pleasing to my eye.<br />Robert C. - Outstanding as usual. The tree looks like a painting to me - sweet!<br />Robert B. - Nothing mediocre about newborn shots. Congrats!<br />Hin - Wow! Makes me wanna break out the Super Program! I'm titling your rediscovery "Pentax Revisited".</p>
  7. <p>Wow, what a question.<br>

    Photography is a mode of expression. Just as music, literature, theater, painting, etc. can evoke an emotion, so can photographs. The camera becomes the vehicle to produce that emotion, from the photographers POV. Art can be real, objective or relative... so can photos. I really don't know where one can draw the line on manipulation and say that a photo is no longer that... or should it matter?<br>

    Is it manipulating when you use a polorizer or graduated filter on your lens for a shot? What about double exposures? Isn't that adding to an existing photo thus changing the definition of "what is a photo"? Is it manipulating when you use a different paper stock on your prints? Do you consider Ansel Adams work art or photographs?<br>

    Am I rambling? My wife would say "as usual" but in the end, I'd just like to agree with Dave H. - great photo and great treatments of that photo! BTW, Javier, you're original is artistic as hell!</p>

  8. <p>I like the comp/tilt/feel of the 1st pic, but the 6th pic takes 1st prize for me... the action conveyed in the pants flowing mid-stride/reaction on the guys face as well as the oblivious background dog walker makes it a great pic with or without tilt IMHO. Nice work Javier!</p>
  9. <p>Better late than never...<br>

    Thank you all for your kind remarks... makes me wanna keep the life I've got! Now for a few remarks of my own: Collectively, one of the stronger group displays I've seen in a while. Here's a few that stood out to me:<br>

    Haig - All 3 are awesome but I love the turtle... didn't know you could capture emotion on the face of one!<br>

    Gary - You always seem to capture a feel in your photos that eludes me. The coals are really cool. Where did you move to in Asia and are you still teaching?<br>

    Dave H. - Stunning shots- simply gorgeous in composition, color and detail. Put them on a wall!<br>

    Tony - Poplars - Nailed the composition IMHO. Extremely pleasing to view.<br>

    Robert C. - Love the look and feel of the sculler.<br>

    Robert B - Good capture of action on #2.<br>

    Steve T - Sweet sunsets. I have yet to captue anything that good.<br>

    Hin - Great silhouette shots - Love #3.<br>

    Bob M. - Seaweed captured and held my attention - nice shot.<br>

    Michael E. - Great textures captured on both shots.<br>

    Javier - The colors and reflections in your last shot are awesome - wish I was there.<br>

    Camus - Nice captures of the kids expressions... made me smile.<br>

    Andrew - Smith Rock looks like a painting - Nice!</p>


  10. <p>Javier,<br>

    It's gotta be an anomaly with your camera... I've been really pleased with my K7- NO problems with GLS and noise hasn't been an issue... Have you spoken with Pentax customer assistance yet?</p>

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