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Posts posted by jim_g.1

  1. This image speaks to me it says. I wasted some film, and managed to get you (me) to look at the results. At best it is a snap shot void of any photographic merit. Perhaps it is just me but I do not get it. The problems with the photo have already been pointed out so I will not repeat them here.


    3/3 only because 1/1 is unavailable.

  2. Id like to see a forum that would require any rating at all to be accompanied by a written critique. I know the number of raters would be low as most people don't want to spend any time giving actual thought to what they are looking at. On the other hand it would insure that the ratings were thought out and the photographer would be given the opportunity to learn from mistakes.
  3. I am guilty, I have on many occasions elected to bypass photographs that should have been rated average or well below. After reading this thread I had to examine my motivation in doing so. The only answer I could come up with was fear of retribution. My actions or lack thereof have not been fair to the photographers that want to improve their work or to myself for not willing to justify my point of view.


    To those that have complained about low ratings all I can say is this. No matter how unfair you feel a rating on your work is the fact is that there is no way that you will ever be able to open your work for critique in a community as diverse as the PN and be able to please every taste. The same thing will happen when you submit your work to a jury panel, simply stated you can not please every body any time.


    It would be nice if ratings required a written critique that would help the photographer understand the point of view of the rater but that would only happen in a perfect world. Perhaps instead of complaining about low ratings, we should all strive to set a better example and explain why we rate photographs with the ratings that we do. Leave a critique, give some advice put your text where your ratings are.

  4. Here is an easy way to do this using only a thumb drive. Plug the thumb drive into your computer at work or away from home computer, open your IE then click on "Tools" Select Internet Options, look in the area that reads "Temporary Internet Files" click on "Settings" and type in the name of the directory that you want to save your cookies to. When your finished remove the thumb drive and then when you get home repeat the process.
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