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Posts posted by jim_g.1

  1. While Photoshop is a wonderful tool for many things color saturation included. You can achieve better color saturation by adjusting the settings on your Canon Digital Rebel XT. If you have a manual check on page 64 you will see instructions detailing how to adjust the Color Saturation, as well as the Contrast, Sharpness, and Color tone. There are also some built in Filter effects that you can apply. If your sky for example is coming out to light you might try using the Orange filter to darken it. There are other built in Filters as well, experiment with those first to see if you get the results that you are looking for...after all the better the colors are before you do any post processing the less post processing you will have to do.
  2. I have been a PN member now for about one year. For the most part I have sat back and been quiet about the countless complaints about low ratings. To all of you that have complained all I can say is that if you are thinking that a 4/4 is a low rating, you should re-think the rating system and the enormous amount of talent that can be found on PN. To be thought of as average in that pool is really a compliment. While the 1s and 2s have been removed from the count (a mistake IMO). The real problem is the lack of feedback about why an average or below average rating has been given, or for that matter why an above average rating was given. As an art photography is and always will be subjective to the viewer. There will always be those that do not for their own reasons like a work that you might find outstanding. Each and every one of us (including myself) should take more time not only rating the photography we look at but also expressing why we rate the way we do. I for one am proud to receive a rating of anything 4 and above. A lower rating can only serve to keep me on my toes and not become complacent in my efforts. If you don�t want to see that there are those that for one reason or another does not consider your photograph average or below simply don�t post it for a rating or a critique. You can�t please everyone every time that�s just a fact of life.
  3. If we track them then there wont be any "anonymous" raters. Bottom line is if you like your photo its good, does it really matter what others think of it? Complaining about people not leaving coments about the ratings they leave is a waste of your time and the time of all of those that read the post. People that have the time or something to say about your images will post what they have to say. Should you not want "Anonymous" raters to leave a rating on your images don't post them.
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