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Posts posted by adamxisxrad

  1. This request for advice comes simply out of curiosity and my constant quest to

    improve my technique.


    I have been freelancing, shooting the DC club scene for about a year now. I have

    my little tricks and techniques down for getting some great shots, however one

    category I have yet to get a solid grasp of is shooting mixed skin tones

    (Caucasian, white/African-American, black... w/e) or black people wearing bright

    white suits. I mean, I can capture a fairly decent image, sometimes it may

    require a little tweak of the shadows curve but overall I can get the job done.

    I am just wondering if anyone has any tips or solid techniques for this situation.


    Basically the sensor exposes the brightest area bounced off the flash, so a

    white suit or person, then the face or friend is left in the dark, literally.


    As of now, my technique mainly focuses on flash positioning- Lighting the darker

    area/skin tone first and allowing the lighter area to get more bounce then

    direct light or using completely indirect/bounce light for the entire

    subject(s). I also occasionally try to use slightly longer exposure times.

    Ambient light is typically out of the question because of the extreme low light

    conditions/nature of clubs. I also have and use a rather large diffuser I made

    out of a translucent milk quart sized container that works wonderfully.


    Any further knowledge, help or tips is greatly appreciated.



  2. Dan!


    "If I do this right, create one heck of a buzz, hand a hundred rolls of 64 out to kids to

    shoot, perhaps Kodak will see it through to it's 75th anniversary in 2010."


    I would love to participate! I'm a 19 year old student at American University and have been

    dying to try Kodachrome for a while. I've always thought the way it looks is fascinating. I

    also read that Patrick Hoelck (www.patrickhoelck.com) uses Kodachrome and his portraits

    are amazing. I'll do Anything I can to make this film last so I can have a fair shot with it.

    (pun sort of intended).



  3. The other day, I developed a couple rolls of TX with Kodak TMAX

    developer , the bottle said it can do TX fine. When I got to the

    fixer, however, I checked the film after 5minutes (I was using Sprint

    Speed fix, claims it works in 3 minutes which is a dead lie, even for

    TMAX) anyway, so i checked it after 3 and it was still very purple,

    then i checked it after 5, still very purple- i kept this up for

    nearly 30minutes, at which it wasnt as purple as before, but had a

    definate noticable tint to it. My other film (TMAX400) fixes fine, is

    TX inherently more purple than TMAX, or do I need a different Fixer? I

    just bought some Kodak Rapid Fix and hope that does the trick. Any


  4. The other day, I developed a couple rolls of TX with Kodak TMAX

    developer , the bottle said it can do TX fine. When I got to the

    fixer, however, I checked the film after 5minutes (I was using Sprint

    Speed fix, claims it works in 3 minutes which is a dead lie, even for

    TMAX) anyway, so i checked it after 3 and it was still very purple,

    then i checked it after 5, still very purple- i kept this up for

    nearly 30minutes, at which it wasnt as purple as before, but had a

    definate noticable tint to it. My other film (TMAX400) fixes fine, is

    TX inherently more purple than TMAX, or do I need a different Fixer? I

    just bought some Kodak Rapid Fix and hope that does the trick. Any


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