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Posts posted by kariann

  1. Thanks, Lou, for putting all that thought and time into my post! I appreciate it. Good thinking.


    C Jo-the only problem I have with giving a CD of my photos is that I have no control over the developing. I know this seems to be the thing to do, as I look at wedding photographers' packages. But, let's say I give them a CD and copyrights, then they take my pictures to Walgreens and develop them. They come out dark or the color is off...then they show everyone their wedding photos and tell them I took them. I want more control over the quality of my prints than that. Thoughts? Kari

  2. Thanks, Lou, for putting all that thought and time into my post! I appreciate it. Good thinking.


    C Lo-the only problem I have with giving a CD of my photos is that I have no control over the developing. I know this seems to be the thing to do, as I look at wedding photographers' packages. But, let's say I give them a CD and copyrights, then they take my pictures to Walgreens and develop them. They come out dark or the color is off...then they show everyone their wedding photos and tell them I took them. I want more control over the quality of my prints than that. Thoughts? Kari

  3. Sorry, i just re-read that and wanted to mention some of the other leather albums I looked into..there were so many. Art leather, Fontina?, Topflight, etc.... Do you have any suggestions? I'm still finding alot of companies need a business license from me. I'm looking into getting one. Kari
  4. Thanks Dave and Steve for your help. I will look into that filter, Dave. Thanks, Steve, for the "compliment" that I should charge more. My confidence waivers, but is getting better. The albums I was looking into were, like, Raika, and some of the other leather ones.


    I actually met with the couple tonight and this is what I offered..$895 for up to 6 hours, 100 5x5 prints in a proof album (I didn't promise leather, as I'm still deciding), $95 credit towards reprints. Maybe it was too cheap for some, but it's a step up for me. I was comfortable charging that. They had a lot of questions. It was good. They'll get back with me. I think I was competitive with the other guy they have talked to. He was $750 for 4 hours, 40-4x5 proofs with album, 1-8x10 and 2-5x7s. And, my reprints are cheaper than his. But, I think I'm making a good profit on them, so I am okay with that. So, we'll see. If not, at least I stood firm on a price. I've just always done weddings for people I know, and it's been comfortable.


    But, they asked me questions like do I have a contract? no. What happens if I am sick or in the hospital? i guess we'll just pray i'm not! Good questions. It was good for me, becuase I stood firm on my price and they were a nice couple.


    So, I guess I need to post a thread on how to draw up a contract!

    :) K

  5. Thanks, Conrad, for your opinions. I agree. I know I'm not in the $10,000 market, for sure!:) I think the hard thing for me has always been thinking back to my wedding. Our pictures are awful, because we couldn't afford anything! And, I have so wanted to give people beautiful pictures for whatever they can afford. However, that's not the best business plan! But, you know, I will still do that when I feel the need to do so. It's just who I am.


    I took a look at your pictures, and they are great! Yes, I do love b/w. It's so timeless to me. I have a question for you-off this forum thread topic! Do you use a flash bracket? It's something I haven't invested in yet, but was planning to buy. I've read several threads where everyone suggests bouncing your flash off the wall as opposed to a bracket. I think your indoor lighting is nice. Most of my weddings have been outdoors, and I've never been happy with my indoor lighting shots, except when I wasn't allowed to use a flash and had to use just natural lighting. Suggestions/thoughts from someone who knows more? :) Thanks!



  6. You're right, Rob. I just need some backbone! :) I just have a hard time charging people. I don't know why. I'm not a good businesswoman! :) It's good to be encouraged to do what I know I need to do! That's why I'm here. I know I'm not, but I've had so many people tell me that I am the best wedding photographer they have seen, but I still feel I have so far to go (and I do)...it's just that they know less than me! Like I said, it's not really my photography I question, it's just the money! :) So, here I go!! Thanks! Kari
  7. Thanks, Gerald, for your opinions. I looked at Michel albums earlier, but you have to have a studio or your license. I will look at the others. I have a great lab. I'm very picky about my developing. I appreciate your opinion on giving a nice album. I agree. Like I said, I'm confident in my photography abilities and my developing. Honestly, I have a hard time charging people. My husband is always getting on me to charge more-he thinks I am worth it. And, others are pushing me to charge what I am worth. It's just hard to know what one's worth!!:) Anyways, thanks for the advice. Kari
  8. Well, I'm not new to wedding photography, but I'm not officially a

    professional. Let's say an advanced amateur. Just making some money on the

    side for now until the kids are grown...Anyhow, I've done several weddings,

    but it's always been for people I know-friends, family, poor people! I'm not

    over helping out beloved ones, but I feel I'm good enough to start charging a

    real price, and so do those around me. I just started charging recently for

    senior pictures/portraits and no one has complained so far! Make a long story

    short..I'm meeting with a couple tomorrow night who have been referred to me.

    I have been trying to come up with my pricing and what to include in my

    pricing. My brain has been working overtime these past few days to come up

    with something reasonable. I was thinking of charging $700 (digital) and

    including an album of 100 5x5 or 5x7 proofs. The wedding is an hour away...I

    don't want to overcharge or undercharge. I was looking at leather albums,

    which may cost me around $75. And, I was planning to say that includes up to 6

    hours. Additional hours are $100. Does this sound reasonable? I almost hate to

    pay for the leather albums, I'd rather go cheaper, but I want to set a

    standard for others to expect, and I can always up my prices when I get more

    clients here. (we moved from out of state a while back, so I'm just starting

    up here recently) Any thoughts? I'm having a hard time finding a variety of

    albums without having my professional license yet. Any ideas where to find

    good, not so expensive, proof albums with order forms? Thanks for your help.


  9. One lady I know makes up wallet sized photos of the client whose picture she has taken, and prints a referral coupon on the back of the wallet for a free sitting (hers is $25). Then, the new customers bring in the wallet-she knows who has referred them because it's their picture- the new customer gets their free sitting, and she gives the previous client some credit towards their next order. She's just starting up her business, and this has worked very well for her.
  10. Thanks, Ryan and Emily. I am looking into Archival Methods. And, Emily, I just placed an order with MPIX to see their print quality. Do you have a studio? How long have you used them? I am interested in seeing their work. I live out in the middle of nowhere, and have had the darndest time finding a developer. (we used to live in southern CA. where I had a great one!) I have had good luck with Shutterfly, but MPIX definitely has more options. I'll let you know what I think of them. Thanks for the info!
  11. I need some help! I am getting asked more and more to do photography, although

    I haven't taken it to the "business" level yet, due to being a stay at home

    mom of 3! Anyways, I need to find some presentation materials for my clients.

    I am not having much luck. What is the best way to give them their prints

    after they order? I was thinking of some sort of sleeve or envelope. Also,

    where can I find the little cardboard boxes for wallets? What about standing

    folios for 4x6 pictures-for senior pictures, etc.. I have been looking on B&H

    and not finding what I want. I just don't want to give them their pictures in

    the developer's envelope anymore. Also, so many seniors want the rounded

    corner edges on their wallets-anyone know a developer that will do that? I am

    in the Kentucky area, but willing to develop anywhere. Thanks. Kari

  12. Thanks, everyone. That really does help to know I'm not the only one. As I mentioned, it was a family wedding. It was my cousin, and my family is very laid back, thank God. Still, if it was a pro shoot, I don't think I could feel any worse than I do!! It makes me wonder about the rest of my pictures, as I haven't got them back yet. Was I just a space-cadet and did everything else wrong that day? Gosh, I hope not. If so, I quit!! Anyways, Nadine, I was using a Nikon N60, which really makes me feel like a loser, because it automatically winds itself. And, I ALWAYS check to make sure it takes, so I really have no idea where my head was. The only two things I can think of that may have distracted me were 1) my daughter was the flower girl and was refusing to take pictures (she's five, and has quite a mind of her own) and 2)I dropped my digital at one point (yes, another thing that happened!) and was about to throw up just thinking I had done something to it! So, I'm thinking that maybe one of these two things had occurred somewhere in the vicinity of me changing that roll of film and not paying attention. Not to mention, I almost ran out of film right before the bride came out--now, I really do tend to do that almost every wedding! I don't know why..but luckily, I was able to grab my digital! Gosh, I felt like it was my first wedding again! Only worse!!


    Anyways, they did pay me for the wedding, although I have held on to the money, because I had this feeling...! I WILL offer to do some family pictures and give them some 8x10s or something. I'm not sure how I will sleep until I get the rest of the pictures back! My digitals came out beautifully, thank God. Unfortunately, I didn't take any of those with it.


    Well, good luck to the rest of you! Lesson learned for me. Maybe it will help some of you, or just make you feel better about yourself today!! :) Kari

  13. Well, I've been shooting weddings for about 5 years now, and have

    never had a problem...until now! I took pictures at a family wedding

    last weekend. I'm not really sure how it happened, but I got a call

    from my lab today saying one roll was blank!


    I remember...slightly...seeing an "E" on my camera, and thinking I

    had finished a roll, but instead I had never wound it properly! Of

    course, because it wasn't my lucky day, it was the pictures of the

    bride and family, bride and bridesmaids, etc!! I'm not sure how many

    pictures I took that were just basically "air!" What do I do?


    I have several hundred other pictures for her, but it will be

    obvious when these are missing from the batch! I know I have to be

    honest, but how do I compensate? I just really was scatter-brained

    that day, and that's never happened to me before. Makes me sick to

    my stomach!


    Anyways, any advice is appreciated, and anyone who has done

    something similar is free to share their stories with me, so I know

    I'm not the only one! Now to the chocolate cupboard...my solace! Kari

  14. Okay, thanks for all of you that helped me decide to purchase the

    D70. I got it in the mail yesterday. I was shaking when I opened my

    package! So excited!!Wow....I'm not sure how I'll ever retain all

    the information I need to do this!!! Anyhow, this may be a silly

    question, but can I take b&w images with it? Or, will I have to

    convert the pics to b&w with software? I can't seem to find anything

    in my manual. Thanks for your help. I can assure you, this is only

    the first of many questions I know are to come! Have a lovely day!


  15. Hey, Roger. Thanks. That helps a lot. I found the 50mm/1.8 lens at B&H for $89.95-it'll be my next purchase. I get my D70 on Friday and am thrilled.


    And, thanks, Roger and James for sharing your horror stories. Makes me feel a little brighter! I haven't done either!:) But, I must say I often forget to take the lens cap off, although I always see it when I look through a black viewfinder!


    Hey, Temecula! We lived in Murrieta, and I must say that's where I did most of my weddings. Did one in Costa Mesa. I even did one in July(Murrieta), when I was 3 months pregnant and had previously been on the couch for those 3 months with morning sickness! I almost passed out a few times,too. (outdoor wedding, outdoor reception) And, I've never thrown away more than 25 or so pictures out of 10+ rolls that I've taken at any wedding. So, I'm feeling better about myself! Thanks!!!


    Well, I look forward to getting my Nikon lenses in the future and seeing the difference I haven't previously known.


    Thanks again for all the help. You were gentle with me-explained things well. Sometimes I read posts and am just lost and think-why am I doing photography-I don't know what in the world half of you are talking about!!:) You all have helped me greatly. I'll let you know how the concert goes. It's not til May, so I have some time to figure it all out. God bless. Kari

  16. Thanks, Roger. Didn't notice the bra! :) I'm still laughing! Hopefully the bras will stay on at this concert!


    Okay, you're gonna really start getting concerned for me now. What did you mean by "Work your way backwards to film speed needed to get a 1/100 stopped down 1 stop on your fastest lens."? Huh? Layman's terms please.


    I'll look into the 50/1.8 lens. Alot of people have recommended it.


    Before I ask this next question, please remember that I haven't taken a photo class since high school. (a long time ago) And, I don't think they covered this! :) Everyone keeps saying I should get the 1.8 lens. Is that just the lowest aperture rating? People keep mentioning speed. Is there really different speeds to lenses? Yah, now you can see how I got "duped" into buying the quantaray lens-which, by the way, I have never had a problem with. I wasn't buying a camera at the time for "industry standards", just wanted a nice camera for everyday photos. I shrink as I write this...beginning to feel really stupid..crying. (not really crying)


    I have shot a lot for paying clients, and they have always been happy, but hey, I'll be the first to admit I have alot to learn. That's why I'm here. And, really, I haven't had a lot of experience with flash/indoor photography. (just a couple weddings) Most of my weddings have been outdoors, when we lived in southern California-how can you go wrong? Same with senior pics, family photos, etc...all outdoors.




    Please be nice and gentle with me! And, I'll take all the wisdom I get! Kari

  17. Hey guys.


    Thanks for all the advice. I'm laughing, because I think some of you are VERY concerned about me doing this concert! And, your concerns are well-founded. That's not what has me laughing. Actually, the reason I ask so many questions is because I haven't taken a photography class since high school-a long time ago! There is a lot I DON'T know.


    What has me laughing is that I need to be more clear on this "concert." It's a small local band from Pleasureville, Kentucky. The concert is at a church. There is no stage lighting-they can't afford it! And, believe me, I have seen their past CD covers-I know I can do a better job. They have seen my work, and think it's some of the best they have ever seen. (if that doesn't say it all! not that I don't think I do a good job, but there are many of you who could do better, I am sure.)


    Anyways, I really don't think this is over my head. If the lights are off, it's usually the back lights in the church, but the overhead lights in the front are still on. It's not a club, there won't be screaming fans waving beers around! I love the picture you uploaded, but I laughed because that's not quite how it's gonna be. I like the photo, by the way. I would love to learn how to take more pics like in that lighting.


    Anyways, hope that puts it more into perspective for all of you. Maybe that will change your advice, maybe not. I am interested to know. By the way, I ordered my D70 yesterday, but the guy doesn't want digital shots! Should I try to talk him into it-at least for the concert shots? I could still shoot film for our outdoor cover shots. Whaddya think? Kari

  18. Okay, I am going to be shooting a live concert in May for a CD

    cover. Just a local band. I ordered NPZ, because I'm assuming the

    lights will be off. I've never shot NPZ, only NPS and NPH. Actually,

    I've never shot with ISO 800 film, that I can recall. I always shoot

    with 400, and overexpose it a couple f-stops, if need be. Anyways,

    just wondering if anyone has any advice for me? Thanks. Kari

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