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Image Comments posted by db1664878771

    Out on a Rail


    I think I would like that as well. This image attracted me because of its hint at solitude, which makes for a worthy conveyance of mood or story, but aesthetically, I see your point. Thanks for the comment! :)









    I had to stop and ponder this one a while. At first I was wrestling with the silhouettes of the people, trying to decide if I liked them in the shot or not. Ultimately, I did. Great sunset, love the birds, the "silver lining" effect...very enjoyable image. THANKS! :)





    Eagle in the Mist


    This was shot at 300mm, off hand in evening twilight at ISO 3600. I

    was about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away and just caught a glimps of the bird

    before it disapeared behind the trees. This was cropped out of the

    original, accounting for about 30% to 40% of the entire image.

    Where Eagles Fly


    Taken at lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in an area where bald eagles

    nest. It was late in the day and the weather was poor, so there was

    little oportunity to capture images of the birds, but I managed to

    get a few shots that I thought were pleasant.

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