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Image Comments posted by db1664878771



    I have taken dozens of shots of the moon through my telescope. Most are mediocre at best. Oddly, this shot was taken by my $300 Fuji Finepix camera at 22X, off hand. The resulting image was post processed in Photoshop by converting to grayscale and adjusting the background's brightness histogram to bring out the "stars." I'm not fully convinced that they are stars, most probably background noise, but I thought it looked cool. Glad you liked the shot! Thanks for commenting! :)




  1. I have to confess, a lot of this was just dumb luck. The light of the day, the rainy weather and a touch of post processing in Photoshop rounded out whatever success this image has.


    I took a string of images at various shutter speeds and this one was the best of the lot. I cropped it to a square format, adjusted the levels histogram just a touch [too much REALLY brought out the noise and grain] to bring out some of the details in the trees, laid a blurred, translucent layer on top to about 20% opacity [give or take], colorized it in sepia-tone, framed it and called it done.


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