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Posts posted by steakandale

  1. I went to college on a music scholarship. I inhaled a time or two. NOBODY sounds as cool as THEY THINK THEY SOUND while stoned. Any musician can verify that, even second hand. If you think Jazz gets tedious try listening to stoned Jazz improv... Its not the drugs that made the music its the musician! but having a great Axe helps a lot.
  2. I have read threads here from experienced pros asking the same questions. The older thread I read was with a large granite tiled back wall that reflected everything. The advice to open the wood doors is the best idea, block them open just enough to open up the angle. Shooting angle was also the fix for the granite wall. You may have to shoot just the doors and photoshop the glare out.


    About the focus, thats a tough one. We can only guess without more info, but I suspect a "back focus" problem. I think back focus is a misnomer and its really a missed focus problem. Sometimes the center focus icon in the viewfinder is smaller or larger than the focus sensor's sensitivity and if you lay the bar across the edge of the bride's head, it may actually lock onto the back of the room.


    Where did you get your focus from? did you use the central single sensor, which is usually the most sensitive/accurate? and where did you place it? Sometimes focusing and recomposing will change the focus point enough with an open/small aperture enough to cause blur, or a just-missed focus. If shooting digital you can "chimp" with max zoom in to varify focus on the eyeballs.

  3. Reproduction of Currency


    Authority: 18 UNITED STATES CODE; 504: Treasury Directive Number 15-

    56 FR 48539 (September 15,1993) 411.1 Color illustrations authorized.


    (a) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 25 of Title 18 of the

    U.S. Code, authority is hereby given for the printing, publishing or

    importation, or the making or importation of the necessary plates or

    items for such printing or publication, of color illustrations of

    U.S. currency provided that:


    1. The illustration must be of a size less than three-fourths or more

    than one and one-half, in linear dimension, of each part of any

    matter so illustrated;



    2. The illustration must be one sided; and



    3. All negatives, plates, digitized storage medium, graphic files,

    magnetic medium, optical storage devices, and any other thing used in

    the making of the illustration that contain an image of the

    illustration or any part thereof shall be destroyed and or deleted or

    erased after their final use in accordance with this section.

  4. This is a legit and worthwhile question and shouldn't go too astray with the PC stuff. Yes they all want to look their best or better, and yes, they do know what the scale says, even if their self image is from a few lbs ago (like mine he he), pics have a way of bringing back that little shock of reality, or maybe the person is totally OK with it, but sef-image is not really your issue, nor is it under your control, right?


    In addition to the many fine tips comments already mentioned, try to suggest everything without any additional emphasis, just direct the pose, leave it matter of fact. The same you do for each subject.


    I first heard about the leg forward trick during a wedding I was a guest at. The photog, a thin, slightly opinionated middle aged man explained it wonderfully, but followed it (to the mother of the bride) with "This will take off 10 punds!" OOPS


    I think "Gives a NICE LINE to the dress" is about perfect.


    Since then I notice almost every shot in a fashion book is one leg forward, I never really noticed before.


    chin up or slightly lengthened


    and watch for the squished up arms giving the George Foreman guns look, not being mean, they can be relaxed or lengthened slightly too.


    woman slightly behind, but dont look like you're trying to hide her like that Wilson-Phillips video.

  5. That Denim is funky. Here's the replacement OM1n body for atsro-duty. It had a busted meter so I got a good deal. My OM1n is coming back home to papa soon!... The shop also had a "japan" 50mm 1.8 that was mint, I think I must have it too... yep this is contagious<div>00FMCL-28351984.JPG.67f1bff793e398b5540f0c0219fa3ae2.JPG</div>
  6. I-TTL flash exposure works under ALL of the D50's exposure modes.

    It will work in P, S, A, and M modes. <P>When lighting is too dark, the camera tends to leave shutter speed stuck at 1/60 and forces the flash to fire longer in duration to compensate. This is what gives the too-dark or black backgrounds that point and shoot cameras always seem to provide. <P>

    If you dont touch anything, thats all the better you will produce, more expensive, but still point and shoot quality photos. <P>


    To add background and context to the too-dark pictures, you need to force a longer exposure. Rear curtain and slow sync flash modes both do this.<P>


    Rear Curtain Sync mode fires the flash at the END of a longer exposure. Slow Sync flash mode fires the flash at the begginning of a longer exposure.<P>


    You still have no control over what shutter speed that is, but they work. They do nothing about subject movement, or camera shake. The shutter speed is automatuically set and may be too long.<P>


    Dragging the shutter is an expression that means setting the fstop lens opening to match the flash output, the correct fstop for the film speed (ISO) and distance from the subject, but rather than leaving the camera at up at 1/60 or higher (=darker background) you switch to Manual mode and force a longer exposure but one that is still hand-held speed or close to that, like 1/30 sometimes 1/15, or longer with still subjects a deep breath and a tripod.<P>


    You can search on dragging the shutter and get enough to read for the whole weekend. Like <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=009NM4&tag=" >THIS ONE</a><P>


    The sync-modes for flash are longer but you still aren't in total control so thats how I look at it. If you want streaks of light type pictures, just hit those modes and fire away. But if you are trying to take a low-light portrait in a beautiful church you need to control the exposure.

  7. Thanks Graham, I meant photos OF the cameras themselves! I think OM's have a classic look, like a camera should look like. I searched through old posts, many speak of re-covering in new leather and even different colors, but no photos :(


    The Leica-nuts had one long thread called "camera porn" in the Vanity category, nothing but cameras in it.

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