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Image Comments posted by korovev



    Thank-you, Jack, this is part of a series about Iceland focused on some kind of "icy meditation", a process that leads to harmony between the environment and the mood of the photographer.

    New Year's eve


    Thank-you all for your comments and appreciation!

    @ Niki: è uno scatto singolo di 20'' di esposizione. Ho poi lavorato un poco per recuperare le alte luci e schiarire le ombre. So che il risultato avrebbe potuto essere migliore con una sequenza hdr ma non avevvo più batteria! Per fortuna la notte era molto luminosa e la luce dalle finestre non così violenta per cui sono riuscito a catturarle con un singolo scatto.

    @ Stephen: I had to use the railing as a tripod. I also think that the shallow DOF is a bit disturbing, but I had no choice: I had no battery power left and really couldn't shoot a longer exposure at a smaller aperture.



    Thank-you stephen for your appreciation!

    You hit the mark: after trying different exposures, I chose this one. Even if less detail is present, it represents faithfully what I was seeing: a luminous and clear moonlit night.

    Rome: MAXXI


    It looks like a monster coming from the future and approaching the hystorical city with a threatening attitude, regardless of the beautiful sunny day... Great colors and perfect composition!

  1. You are right Markku, it is named after a real painting! Yesterday I set up an exhibition of my father's paintings and I uploaded this one because it contains some of what were his hallmarks: "electric" blue sky at twilight, yellowish streetlamp light, windows and sheets of paper. It contains them all even if none of his paintings is similar to this picture.

    As usual your sharp eye goes deep. Thank-you so much!

    50 cents


    Thank-you Markku as usual for your appreciation and your sharp critiques.

    I tried to include as much as possible the halo of the lamp on the right, but I had to avoid including in the composition a parked car. Also, I couldn't move my point of view, as I was using a fuel pump as a tripod.

    I wish you all the best for your incoming trip to Rome, waiting to see your shots with your new camera!

    fire door


    Thank-you Gunnar for your appreciation!


    @Wolfgang: The white spot was left intentionally there in the sense that I didn't find it so disturbing to be cloned out. Except from a slight cropping and leveling, the photo is straight from camera. Sometimes I don't realize that in a digital era, if you leave a detail it is because you really want it and not because you simply forget it  :-) Thanks a lot!

  2. Thank-you so much Markku, placing a photo "straight" into your favourites is always a great support for me!


    @ Michael: thank-you for your critique and appreciation. Regarding the crop: the original shot is vertical, I tried also a square and horizontal crop (which I attach here), but even though I felt that the vertical extention of the house, in darkness, added some mistery to the window beneath the halo of the street lamp. Also I didn't like to loose the gradient of the sky and its "last remaining light".


    @ Catherine: thank-you for your "scientific" analysis, I appreciate you designer's eye!

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