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Image Comments posted by photojoe

  1. Amazing contrast between the violence of the falls to the fishing which is often thought of being serene and peaceful.


    The image doesn't have any "pop" to it though.

    The dark rock(?) in the top right should be cropped or cloned out. It's distracting.


    Good job getting the image in camera. Just a little photoshop (nothing radical either) and it'd be an excelent photo.

    high key


    The plate gets lost into the background. Perhaps cut some of the light back there and get seperation with a darker plate against the light background.


    The dark part of the apple slice is distracting, same for the seed in the larger apple part. These don't bother me as much as the lack of seperation between plate and background.


    Here is your DMCA compliant note to say get your photo of me off the internet! Once you do that, you've got to tell me how you made me look so good! I swear photos of me never come out. I need a large one of these for the living room.
  2. Are those shaddows painted on the wall, as they appear to be...or perhaps are they manipulations by the photographer? A previous comment suggested making those shadows a bit more realistic, but if you didn't add them yourself then you can't be faulted for them.


    Flat, lacking contrast. Light grey and white. No blacks or near blacks for contrast and drama. Cut your exposure a few stops, you've probably got negatives dense enough to set off a metal detector. The composition is fair. The dark area at the bottom left will be quite objectionable if this were given more contrast and less exposure in the camera.


    When using any sort of tool to give an effect to your image, ask yourself if you're just playing with the tool, or really doing something to improve the image.

    Zoom Zoom

    You can get the same (well, better really) result by using a longer shutter speed and panning the camera with the subject - this will provide a more natural blur to the background. A pop of flash will freeze the action of your subject w/o any blur.
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