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Image Comments posted by photojoe

  1. Aesthetics 6, Originality 6

    I really like the mood of the silhouette. 'I' might suggest a little more exposure to give a hint of detail in the shadows.

    -- Ed Hebert


    Ed, if there's detail in the shadows it's not much of a silhouette anymore isn't it?


  2. What an interesting shot of this woman's clothes. Too bad there's those distracting half-lit and half-cropped faces....pick one subject or the other for this photo then either light it as it (for the fabric) or get more contrast and fill if you're going for the portrait.


    You'll note that that border isn't around the rocks. The rocks/cliff face can't move. The trees probably did move with the breeze. It appears the black borders are ghosting from movement durring a long exposure. I get this often when shooting sports in low light with a slow shutter.
  3. Is it the scan that's a little fuzzy? This is a much better shot than the other posted by the same photographer, but of a less interesting piece(YMMV, and not the photographer's fault, he didn't make the scupltures, I presume.)
  4. A shame. Perhaps another trip with a reflector or even a torch lamp(Flashlight) would be in order :)

    It is a rather interesting light, if just a little to dark in the shadows. With all it's defects it's still a 6 of 10... a respectable rating for a photo made with the aim of recording a memory and no more.

  5. Just a tad more DOF for more sharpness on the main subject and patience to wait for the lightly clad and darkly clad people in the background to move out of the frame. Maybe even some fill flash...yes, some fill would be nice. 6/10, dump the folks and it's 8/10, fill and 10/10. Yes, this is a picky review, but when 10 of 10 means perfect I guess I'm going to be picky.
  6. The blacks are grey, but that could be a bad scan. Slide is dirty, clean if beofre scanning. Photo not quite sharp. Is the Canon F1 a SLR? I was blaming your lack of a tripod for unsharpness, but it may be the lens...if it's an SLR, by all means look to getting a sharper lens. A 50mmF1.x could help. This is your 2nd best photo, the train with the nice sky is the best, but both suffer from a lack of sharpness and could use a better crop.


    Imagine this photo as a vertical with the frame ending on the shoulder of the leftmost figure and mid-knee on the rightmost figure. Get closer.

  7. Interesting Sky, no need for croping on this shot..I notice the use of ISO64 film. Perhaps a tripod or faster film could be of use to you in getting sharper photos. If you are using a tripod an upgrade may be in order. All of your photos seem to suffer from a lack of critical sharpness. This photo like many of your others shows up where the train has been, but not where it's going...that's where the intrest is.
  8. The sky and scenery are perhaps less than interesting and the photos could do with croping. A longer focal length or closer shooting position could do you some good. "If the photos' aren't good enough you aren't close enough." or something like that is the quote. Many shots have moving trains with more space behind than infront and gives the appearance of a train trying to leave a photo, rather than moving into it. The eye is naturaly drawn forward of a moving object than behind.
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