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travis m

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Posts posted by travis m

  1. I use these quite a lot as they are very flexible and provide a little bumper for when I get rough and tough with equipment. On accident of course. Plus you can fold down and put lens cap on. I use 3 basic sizes w/step rings to fit most all my lens choices. The hoods I use are 72 58 and 52 This allows me to keep it large enough to not block corners Plus one of the 3 will be able to fit most of my lenses and not look real stupid. great little add on. Need to find ring for Jup..
  2. Pete, will have to look at it when I get home. I have been using the 300 or 330 dpi and having size set to original 4x6 5x7 etc. I have in the past Gone larger and created huge files that looked ok. I guess I have just done this to prevent me having to resize. I may have been shooting myself inthe foot so to speak with this method. I have the 2478. I think the same but with different light lid.
  3. This is a great post for me. My scanning sucks! These tips might just help me out very much. Will try tonight when I get home. I have a flatbed Epson perfection something. Use Photoshop 7. I have been scanning and saving the original as Jpeg. Will try Tiff. I guess my problem is that I scan at relatively low res 300 dpi so it is easier to email and such. That is probably more my problem than anything else. I have some pictures on PN, they are lousy looking. Will try rescanning at a higher resolution and resizing to use on PN.
  4. And here is a bit of a sample from the little fella. First film I have run through this. Not too bad I think. Seems a bit over exposed. Not sure if the shutter is accurate. Used Minolta Autometer IV for help. Cropped the scan a bit. Kind of hard to get used to that tiny finder. Focus seems to be ok. Kokak BW 400 C-41 no filters, was shot at about f 11 f16 due to film speed and bright lighting. Should do wonders with slower film.
  5. Sounds like good advice from all. Although leather is now ruined for me forever. Thanks Kelly! I did check out that seller on the auction site, seems to be pretty reasonable. Cheaper than camera leather who now sells cover for the Kievs. Nicolas have you used his?
  6. Ok will try these tips. Kelly, you ruined this case for me. ;-) Or should I say whoever soaked it in ummmmm you know... Great, will never think of these the same... As I seem to get more of these than not I have gotten used to tolerating it but don't like it. I have a Minolta XG-A that after 2 years it ok until you look through it. Gotta hold yer breath and frame fast. I might just change the covering.
  7. Why do I always seem to get the stinky ones.... Gasping for air!!!!

    Bought a cheap Keiv 4m in very nice operating and cosmetic condition.

    It looks great but damn does this thing stink. (heavy smoker I guess)

    I think the case will be tossed as I don't think that will ever be

    fixed. Any sugestions on the camera. I imagine a good cleaning with

    something will do. (Pine Sol,Bleach,put in bag with 200 air

    freshners.) No offense to any smokers out there. I used to be one.Now

    that I have been smoke free for about 10 years I can't stand the

    smell.......I seem to be on a roll for cammeras saturated with this

    fine aroma.

  8. Well I guess you could always do as I did. Got a cheapo non functional lens with commi camera I bought. Took the lens apart cleaned blades and found the little pin that is the click stop was bad. Prevented aperture from being changed easily. I just removed it and put the lens back to gether. Now I have a lens that will go from 2.8 to 22 and anywhere in between that I want. Not that this is what you want to do just how I got this same result by chance. Lens for me was a crap shoot anyway scratch on front element.
  9. I just dropped package to Canada last week. I was told unless I send airmail it would take about 10 weeks. 5-6 Days Air mail. How the heck can it take 10 weeks to Canada. I could walk it there in that time. The fun of customs and international shipping...
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