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travis m

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Posts posted by travis m

  1. Wonder why Kodak still makes 110 but not 126. I guess more plastic required in the casette. I see tons of instamatics out there just needing film. I have been scanning Grandma's old 126 negatives for archival purposes and kind of like that size. The pictures she usually got were 3x3. (Just guessing as I dont have one infront of me right now.) I have some unused casettes i was thinking of running through the Kodak Instamatic or selling it off. Kind of neat camera but uses 126.
  2. Hmm not sure about that. The only Yashica I know that can also use 35mm film with adapter is the 635 as you stated. I have a 12 and had at one time the 124. That is just a step up and provides switchable 120 and 220 film. I have never heard anything about 35mm adapter.. The only diffence I know of between the 124 and the 124g is the gold contacts and better internal gearing. But hey who knows.
  3. Yeah it is pulls into KC Union Staion at least once a year. Never advertised though. I was talking to the conductor and he said they run fryer oil in it now. Yup, They say Burger King is the current favorite.. They have a group that goes around to fast food places and recycles the oil. Go Figure! nexct time you see it take a whiff and you will probably smell french fries. So irritated I had no film in the stupid camera. X700 and now way to tell if you have film in or not. Just firing away like a fool.......
  4. Well look at it this way. How many people who ever owned one of these had the same problem. I bet many O rolls of film were much worse than this. By the way I love RR photographs. Getting kind of hard around here unless you want to get chased by the fuzz cause they think you are terrorist. last summer the UP challenger came to town The largest operating steam engine. I took many great pictures with my trusty x700 on that fabulous very fined grained film called forgottaloadit 400............I should have taken the Yashica 12.
  5. Well Don I would do that, I might still, problem is that this is only the original flap for the GG back. you cannot see in the pictures due to shaky capture but it was teken apart at some time and put back togehter using the funny paper and small nails bent over as rivets connecting it to what appears to be a different peice that would slide in. Kind of pokey,hokey.... I would like to use it and may be able to fix it someday. At this time it looks like the easy way would be to use the pack holder. Nothing comes easy does it. unless you pay for easy but I find that kind of expensive. Ha you shoudl see the other modified contraptions that came with this. Was gonna toss em but I will hang on and maybe show all later for a guess at what they were used for.
  6. Good to see what Hal sees.


    I like the old barns. One thing I have noticed on my trips apround the midwest is that many of these old barns are coming down for some reason. Not sure if farms are selling off land and new owners just push over or what. I had 3 I really liked that were on a regular route I travel in North Central Kansas that are no longer standing. Stone foundations and unique design. That will be a photo project of mine someday. Nothing but Barns before they are all gone and replaced by tin boxes.

  7. On that film pack holder, the inside snaps out to leave an empty box with just the slide. If I put a ground glass there and use the little removable box peice to hold it in would that work for viewing with ground glass right? That is what I had in mind. Also guess focus but kind of fun to play with glass and moving the lens around even the little it goes. The Vag top and the first picture are the same thing just opened up. You can see the frame that comes out. Glass would go between that frame and teh plate that the slide rests against.


    As far as the actual Ground glass back that is not glass in there is is some kind of woven plastc paper stuff dirty and not flat. Has lines and circles drawn on it. Looks like it was taken apart after maybe glass broke and improvised. Might just replace glass I guess. Kind of like the look of the pack adpater fitted with glass though.


    The holders sound as you stated except that film sheaths with the film in it will only hold the 8x10.5 cm film. It is not 9x12. Oh well I guess I could just expose the whole thing and crop. Hmm maybe some one needs hard to find smaller sheaths?....... Is 8x10 cm film readily avail or will have to cut? Hey I am gonne get this beast seeing some thing if it is the last thing I do.......


    Thanks to the Don for all your help.

  8. I belive I have all the sheaths (little clip in frames) as they are in the holders and 2 had film attached.(sorry ruined them by opening) Looks like the sheaths hold this size film exactly 8x10.5 cm. I was curious of the size differnce though maybe this is not 9x12 as I thought. Is that just a ball park figure? 9x12 Do I have to cut film Down? Kind of neat to find the original ground glass holder so as not to have to fabricate one. Batteries are dead in the digital but charging now and will have pics in an hour or so.
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