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Image Comments posted by basarab

  1. The main subject is the shortest of the lot. The second from the right. As for a news agency... :) they wouldn't be interested of course. They have their own people in the front row. This is just a shot taken for the fun of it. And also because I happened to be there when Fernado was passing by.

    Diana V

    Te-a suparat cu ceva Diana de-ai facut pozna asta? Pentru ca dupa ce am vazut alte cadre in care apare fata fotografia asta nu a reusit decit sa imi evoce o situatie de comic grotesc. Privita astfel poza e o reusita. De ai dorit altceva ai esuat :(

    Diana White


    Diana e o frumoasa. In plus mai si vrea sa iti pozeze. Tu chiar stii sa faci pozne. Da' ca un ala rau o pui sa stea afara pe frigu asta. Rusinica!!!


    Foarte faine fotografii. Spor la treaba si tine-o tot asa.


    P.S.: Tenta de galben vine de la radiatoru' din spatele fetei? :)



    Se pare ca am ajuns cam tirzior la vizionare...

    Tot ce pot spune este ... jos palaria!!!


    Ai un ochi foarte bun. Mult succes si have fun!!





    Ideea compozitie e buna. Eu parca as fi incercat sa aduc florile in focus si as fi evitat sa las zona gri din treimea de jos a imaginii: e deconcertanta si strica echilibrul compozitiei.

    Spor la treaba!


  2. The inspiration for this image came to me after I have seen something

    similar in concept a few weeks earlier. I have been walking around

    downtown looking at the sky when this particular shot presented

    itself. So here it is.

    Comments and critiques are welcome.

  3. Tu ai dorit ca fetele sa se miste?

    Eu parca as vedea poza asta avind cele trei fete in aceeasi pozitie, impingind bolovanul, sugerind miscare si chinurile lui Sisif. Preferabil o pozitie cit mai apropiata de verticala posibil(cam 30 grade fata de sol ar fi fost ok). Liniile de fuga ar fi oferit astfel o alta dinamica. Ce zici?


    P.S.: Cred ca inteleg ce doreai tu; din ce in ce apleci modelele; lui Sisif ii e din ce in ce mai greu... numai ca atunci de ce nu ai folosit acelasi model? Ok, norii... Dar macar sa fi avut toate fetele parul de aceeasi culoare? Hmm?


    Bafta romane!

  4. Imi place tare mult "pozna" asta. De mult nu am vazut o fotografie care sa ma amuze asa; ai un fin simt al umorului.

    btw: pina sa vad lucrarile tale nu am reusit sa apreciez la justa valoare nudul in fotografie; decit in particular :)


    Ma bucur ca am vazut pentru prima data arta foto in nud in lucrarile unui roman.


    Bafta multa Virgiliu






    ... for my taste:)

    The colours are great. Very good focus. So can this image be improved? You decide:

    There was something I didn't like about the picture but I couldn't say what; so I started playing with it a little bit; first thing I noticed was the scarf on the shadowed shoulder; it seemed to unbalance the composition. So I gave a soft focus to the left side and then applied a glow filter; still there was a high contrast between the skin and blond-reddish hair on one side and the intense blue background on the other side; so I finally tried to see what it would look like in B&W; I applied a B&W filter as seen from a colour film. The result is attached.




    I understand the image is made by you but you want to enter it into your model's portfolio.

    Well, for your portfolio is a great image.

    For a model, I don't know. If I would work with an agency this image would not satify my curiosity about a given model. Because it doesn't show much. In a galery, as art, it works great.

    Finally it's your decision as well as hers. You two know best what this image was intended for.


    I simply cannot think of something to improve here. I just like it the way it is.



    I live in the north too, even though I think for us it should be the south :), and I can enjoy the same colours and the same beauty.

    Beatifull shot.

    I'm a little sad about the colour noise in the upper third of the photo but there isn't much help against that with a digital camera on such a sunrise.

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