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Image Comments posted by basarab

  1. If the tower seems a bit askew, it is :) I tried to give a sense on

    movement by it if one could say that about a building. C&C are

    welcome, again a must if ratings are below 4 or above 6. Thank you!

  2. One of the tallest buildings in Montreal, Place Ville Marie no 1, seen

    here from a different angle than usal. Maybe a tourist point of view

    since a local, except for guys like me, would never tilt his head this

    close to a 50+ story building. Bad for your health :)


    If you need to note this shot very low or very high please add a

    commentary with arguments so I can learn some more an not repeat

    eventual mistakes.



    Sad ending

    Just geussing, but it looks like she went into a spin of sorts. Did you notice she was looking at least in you're general direction if not at you?

    Formula Vee racing


    I feel like I have to explain my 7/6 rating since I had not the time last night. I'm on Montreal time(GMT-5). 7 for aest. because it is just plain beatifull; sharp focus it's scary (I'm a f/64 kinda guy) and also a very very good panning. However I had to use a 6 for originality since everybody that takes a camera to the race track will shoot running cars. But not everybody gets this kind of pictures.


    Keep having fun, Neil



  3. Thanks Philip. I appreciate you stopping by. I promise to post some from the upcoming F1 Canadian Grandprix. I have tickets in grandstand 10 :) Provided I can get my camera back from service :(
  4. I appreciate your insight and thank you for your kind words. I'm still a bit puzlled about the skew lines and I believe it's a combination of camera position and terrain realities. I was here on a mountain slope, a small mountain at that, and also the buildings are not head on so some perspective is imposed. This however only explains the horizontals. The vertical gets corrected with .6 degree rotation CW. I think I'm gonna leave it as is though, as a reminder :)


    10x again

    Sunny Spot


    Now thiu one is beatifull. If you had shere luck for being there at the right time, that's another point in your favor. For seeing what everybody else that was there did not see and having the means to make the photo on hand.


    Two Towers


    It's an ok shot. Technically the photograph is good. But it doesn't speak to me. I can only think about Manhattan havin' a lot more towers than two. Tha wide empty background doesn't help either. Again, the photo is ok for a calendar maybe, but it doesn't speak to me.


    Take care,



  5. Thank you! Points well taken and I will keep what you said in mind. The only thing I could say in my defense is that it was indeed a man made enclosure and not a very photo friendly at that. Plus I was taking pictures as a sideline then since I was there with my family and some friends and had to take turns supervising the childres :) Even though your observations might have been hard to follow under the circumstances I do appreciate them and will try my best to have some more spare time for phot ops only :) Again, thank you, Ignacio.

    White tiger


    In the lower left corner in the background there is a car tire. This is what the tiger was doing just before this shot:


    P.S.: I have also added some other pictures. Look at the profile bird there.


    Curious ostrich

    Indeed the on site conditions had not been ideal and one has to make do in such cases. I was actually in a moving vehicle, albeit slow moving, and the bird was not standing still either :)

    Curious ostrich


    Depending on your disposition you car read in this expression anything

    from melancholly to curiosity to nothing at all; just an ostrich.

    Please give me a hint of what this shot tells you, if anything. Just

    dropping a rating doesn't say much. Thank you!

    White tiger


    I find this shot evoquing strength and the knowledge of it. I have

    actually watched this particular cat in some sort of agitation just

    before I took this shot and it was indeed impressive.

  6. Multumesc Cristi. Insa din pacate asta a fost compozitia permisa de locul cu pricina si lentila ce o aveam la mine. Daca as fi reusit sa compun imaginea astfel incit sa-mi intre tot acoperisul fintina ar fi fost totusi prea mica.
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