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Posts posted by terry_hull

  1. I am having trouble deciding whether to take a Hassy (60mm/80mm/150mm/250mm)

    or two Olympus om2s (24/50/100/300). The trip has a few days of safaris

    (chobe/thornybus); Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)several days in Capetown, and

    several days in JBurg. and a few days in Namibia. I am more into landscapes

    than closeups of animals, and mostly in black and white.


    Any thoughts fromthose who might have visited these places?

  2. Over the last few years I have spoken to the City office that handles permits, and the response I always got was the permit can only be for one intersection, rendering it less than useful. When I can get through I will call them, but something tells me they will continue to find a way to make life difficult. Of course whether a policy change ever gets to the police on the streets who seem to dislike tripods is another story.
  3. I am currently looking for another Manhattan rental darkroom. I look first to insure the dark room is clean, well configured (well ventilated) and has the equipment I need to print my format. Then I look for time availability, with a particular interest in the time involved to accomplish what I want to do. For example, I insure there are ample washing, drying, print flattening, etc. facilities. Some darkrooms have a bottleneck on washing with multiple users. Of course the best is a business that has multiple private darkrooms, for which I am willing to pay a premium. The gallery is a good idea in association with the darkroom.
  4. Several contributors on this forum helped me plan the two week trip

    which ended last Friday, so I thought I would post my

    impressions/suggestions for others who might contemplate a visit.

    Most importantly I would agree with those who say it is the trip of a

    lifetime, even though I have spent my life traveling/living abroad



    It seems there are three ways to go if you aren't a part of the

    scientific/research community. First are the large ship drive bys

    that don't go ashore, secondly are the large boats that have zodiac

    landings, and lastly are the smaller ships with more landings, and in

    general better access. I was nudged toward the middle category by my

    wife, so my comments relate to the time aboard the MV Discovery,

    which visited the Peninsula only, with two zodiac landings.


    First it was warmer than I expected so we took far too many warm

    clothes. I also think it was a mistake to take too much camera gear-

    as I took a Hassy with lens, and a Rollei 2.8F. In hindsight I

    should have taken my OM-2 and the Rollei. Xpan would be perfect, but

    I don't own one. I used E-6 processed film for color, and triX for

    B/W. My processing cost at a local lab is about $17 per roll

    including high res scanning to C/D and one 5X5 print. If any merit

    posting, I will learn how and post.


    We were blocked by icebergs from going through the LaMaire channel,

    which happens about half the time, as I understand it, and we waited

    for a few hours until icebergs drifted away to permit entrance to

    Deception Island. My only other disappointment related to poor

    preparation on my part as I didn't realize emperor/king penguins were

    not to be seen on this sort of trip. Chin straps, and Adelies seemed

    to be in order.


    My conclusion is that the trip is unique, the ecosystem is unique

    and most of all the scenery is unmatched from any place I have been,

    which includes the Himalayas/Alaska, etc. If I were do it over I

    would try and convince my wife to take the Quark expedition trip, or

    one of the other smaller ships with more Zodiac landings, but it was

    a 40th wedding anniversary and my negotiating power was from weakness

    to begin with. Ushuaia is an interesting frontier type town, that

    reminded me a little bit of Nome, Alaska, or some of the "base camp"

    type towns in the Himalaya. The Beagle Channel trip out of Ushuaia

    (2-3 hours) is worth it, as is the trip through the Tierra del Fuego

    National Park.


    Thanks to those of you who provided guidance over the last year as I

    planned this trip.

  5. In two weeks I will be going to theAntarctic(Peninsula). Most of the

    work I do is B&W. This time, however I think I will use one film 120

    back with color. My question concerns film, specifically color

    balance as to which color film I take. I assume the E-6 developed

    film would more than likely need a warming filter, but are there warm

    tone slide or print film others have successfully used in snow,

    water, ice environments? Any other suggestions?

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