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Posts posted by cameron_rautmann___holt__m

  1. Try going to "edit," "transform," then "rotate" and/or "skew." Play between them to get the effect you're looking for. Another good tool is to use the "T" button (with the frown underneath" on your upper tool bar. This helps you warp your text.
  2. OK, I must be naive. I've been doing this a long time and never cared who signed the contract. Why is this an issue? As long as you talk to the bride & groom, who cares whether they sign the contract? Whoever signs the contract is bound by it and nobody else is relevant, legally.
  3. I took an entrepreneurial class before I started my business. I learned that sole proprietorship is the least secure. If anything goes wrong, despite liability insurance, they can go after your personal stash. I went LLC. It's much more secure, although in some instances they still could come after you personally. S Corp. is good as well, don't remember much about C, I just remember it didn't fit my business profile. I don't know about laws in your state, they may effect your choice, but the $800 sounds like a MAJOR ripoff. I can't believe it could cost that much anywhere in the world!
  4. Yep, sling away. I put one over my shoulder and have one in my hands. You may want to turn the one you're not using upside down so the bracket hangs down and doesn't get in the way. Also helpful to put it around your neck so it doesn't slide off your shoulder. If anyone has a better idea, I'm all ears.
  5. If you don't want to pay for a Quantum, I use Rayovac 15 minute rechargeable batteries with my Metz MZ-4. They are good for over 1,000 charges, have no memory, recycle fast and I only change sets once per wedding. I think I bought 20 batteries and a charger for around $70. You can get them at just about any store. I've had them for about a year and a half and they still work great.
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