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ranger mick

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Image Comments posted by ranger mick


    Wonderful job, well balanced. When you take portraits would you try having them lick their lips to moisten them. Usually a gloss may be too reflective for this shot. After seeing your mermaid I am going to have to renew my fishing permit. Enjoy the body of your work

    Cry me a river

    Hi Diana, good to see you are still at it, enjoy your photos very much. "Cry Me A River" Julie London, a great song to put with this. I like that you used a light lipstick so that it did not distract form the shawl used for framing, I think just one drop, tear, on the cheek would have help carry the theme
  1. I thought perhaps it would look better without the sky. After doing that, though, it looks great as a texture photo by its self, however the blue of the sky makes the blue of the bird work and the grasses against the sky complements the streched feathers of the wing.
  2. I don't know how you could compliment her more than you have done with this beautifully done photo. The lighting in this shot suggest the most important thing for her, is the comming child. A mommment of captured peace.


    Her right leg angle,simular to large limb behined her-the band on the dress same line as the lack of snow line behind her-the line of her top off her left shoulder is like some of the limbs off her left shoulder-her left arm vertical as the trunk, nice. she looks like she is waiting for her love to show!


    A truely worthy subject. Love your photo. I think her extened leg is a little hyperextened so that her knee caves in looking uncomfortabe. I also like the way the light is presented on the mass of the photo lending to shadows as it leads away.
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