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Posts posted by james_wheeler1

  1. We also use the gun safe storage method. Our safe is listed as fireproof and gear stored in it is in watertight containers because the foreproofing is gypsum which loses water of hydration when heated. Storage of items in daily use is in another gun safe. The risk is slightly greater, but everything is quickly available. Most gun safe manufacturers will customize the interior at a minor cost (usually cleared up in the bargaining process). Empty, the safes weigh about 700 pounds and are quite secure.


    If you have a room bounded on all sides with reinforced concrete, most gun safe manufacturers also sell vault doors that fit into standard openings. Although the cost of a vault door is greater than a gun safe, the room size can be quite large.


    A hint: build or buy secure storage larger than you need because you will find yourself storing a lot of stuff.



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