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Image Comments posted by sue3

    D R E A M


    Its amazing the differences of the same Idea, I had just rated Paal Bentdals lightbulb photo only to stumble upon this as well. I like his and yours as well. Well anyway I do like this and I like the dark background with the light eminating from the center and up through the filament and smoke. I see excellent work here and am curious as to the technical details. Regardless of how many times I see this it amazes me. so I say Nice Work.




    Light bulb


    This is Awesome! I too would like to know the technical details of this just for my own inspiration as a photgrapher to put more into my work. This is exactly the kind of photo that gets published every where because of its thought provoking aspects. I say Nicely Done.

    Excellent Work.



  1. Kim, thank you for your comments, I do appreciate them. I think the graininess is due to the fact that I used a 400 ISO film which is made to reduce the grain but this is also a pretty small crop so I am sure that also has something to do with it. I believe I used an Fstop of F8. Cnt remember for sure. Next time I do portraits I am going to use a slower Portra and see how I do with that. And Yes I am definately going to start using Photoshop as soon as I can get my hands on a different operating system that will allow me to install and run it. I am thinking of going with windows xp if I can get it cheap. Saw it pretty cheap on e bay so hopefully soon I can start over and get started with the photoshop. Really looking forward to it even though I will certainly have alot to learn.

    Thanks again




    Theresa, I really like this. I like the artistic approach to this. I also like the colors and what you've done with this overall. Very Nice.



  2. What a lovely picture! I just love this. Of course I am a grandparent though so I am a little biased. I like the mood that you created here as if they are walking off into the sunset. I also like the frontlighting as well. Very Nice



  3. wow, I cannot believe no one saw the Easter Bunny, but then I didn't see the face on the gargoyle in the front either so now I do. LOL so go to the top of the wings, and in, you should see pink eyes a lavender nose and the point sticking down would represent the teeth. The ears would be the white area at the top point above the pink eyes. I guess if I have to explain that much then maybe only I will be able to see that one. LOL Maybe the sinister gargoyle is guarding the Easter Bunny. LOL I better stop there. PS there is also the top part of a womans physique there also. This is amazing Cyrus keep it up as it provides much food for thought.



  4. This is an interesting shot, I assume all these people are visititing just to see the beautiful apple blossoms. I tried to do some photos of an orchard when the blossoms were in bloom in The Chambersburg,PA area and it was very difficult to find a focal point and creativly show the immense beauty of the trees at the same time. There I've just given you a challenge. LOL Nice Work.






    I like it. maybe just a tighter crop? just a thought take a little off the top and it will bring the focus in little. Other than that I like the exit concept.

    I also like the lighting in this one.



  5. Thanks for your kind critique. Yes you are correct I did overexpose strictly because I really goofed up on my lighting. I forgot to bounce my strobes off of my umbrellas. Dont Ask! Yes I would be interested in the photo shop and thank you for the kind offer.




    PS I liked what you did with the pic.

    Winter I


    Rina, This is a beautiful scene, and I'll give you credit for trying something different, I know, I also like to get creative with my macro filters But I would much rather see every detail of this lovely scene. A for effort.





    Sekken, Once again you've outdone yourself! This is Excellent. I love the colors and the composition itself. Very Nice.





    PS the ultrathin frame is a nice touch.



    This is excellent and the lighting is also. I like both of the portraits of your Nephew I cant wait to see the rest of them. I love it when people pose for you it sure makes for some great photos. My Son Usually likes to ham it up for me and so does my daughter. which you've seen that. This is great. Keep up the fantastic work.



  6. Wow this is incredible! and it is the perfect time of year for the Easter Bunny LOL well thats what I can see here. Wait I think I hear my ride to the funny farm now. LOL. Like I said this is amazing.





    I am truly amazed that you could have gotten any low ratings on this. Hm. Kind of reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons where Homer Zeroxed his backside, well it took off like hotcakes as "Art" Well what I am saying is that often I find that a bad rating begats a bad rating and etc.. Well I See this as Excellent. 7/7 Looks like National Geographic Material to me!!!



    Traffic Jam


    I think this is great I like the up close and personal aspect of this. I also think its different as a night shot.

    To each his own right? In My Opinion this is Excellent.





    I like this one as it is done in a way that is not so revealing which then shows the beauty of the model. I also like the lighting in this it gives it a soft look.



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