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Posts posted by coffee_girl

  1. Trust me - Do NOT get the D70. Get the Canon 10D or 20D instead (if I were you - the 20D). I have a D70, and when I compare the image quality with the Canon 10D, D70 is not great. It all comes down to the CCD. Go for the Canon. I have 2 other Nikon camera bodies and some lenses. I love Nikon but I have to be honest.


    Try it in store and then get it online, unless you want to pay sales tax.


    Jessops? Are you in the UK? I don't know what's a good store in UK - sorry. : )

  2. Doesn't matter, as long as Paul is happy, and perhaps he owns oil well..perhaps he could have spent $4 million on a red diamond but he buys lenses instead. Why not. Keep the economy and camera industry going. We need more people like Paul.
  3. Since what you need is MORAL SUPPORT, here's a pat on your shoulder. I am not a Canon shooter (no pun intended), and my suggestion is, if you have doubt, get the 85L now and wait a while before you sell your 70-200. ; ) Lenses are not girlfriends - you don't have to give one up before you start a relationship with a new one.
  4. I was just there during the summer - I had my 18-35mm, but I think you will be fine with the 28mm. As a matter of fact I didn't like some of the 18mm shots - it looked great on the viewfinder, but it doesn't look as good when the slides came out - too much distortion and the main subject looked too small. For those shots I wish I would have used a little longer focal length. Do bring your telephoto lens, you might need it.
  5. Depends on what you shoot. I use my 60mm Macro lens all the time because my subjects (my dogs) are sitting on my lap or very close to me (you have to be close to them to direct their attention). I also shoot flowers in busy parks, and I can only do it by standing right next to the flowers or else people will be walking into my frame. If you don't do anything like that, I think you will be fine with a 105mm or a 200mm Macro. Don't go for Tamron because it's not as sharp as the Nikon lens (just my opinion).
  6. I didn't get much detail from him (I am not the kind of nosy woman who asks a lot of question). He said he was arrested and they almost confiscated the DSLR, which was borrowed from school. He was later released and everything was fine.


    So it really depends, pretty much like being pulled over by cops - sometimes they let you go, and sometimes they search your car and give you 3 tickets for no reason. Cops are people too and no one is perfect, including me. Someday you may encounter Coffee Girl the angle or Coffee Girl the bitch. Good luck everybody!

  7. hmm...not necessarily. I am a minority woman and was taking picture of a state building, an officer approached me and kindly explained that I shouldn't be taking picture of government building and let me go. But my classmate, an American white guy, took picture of the same building - was arrested by the police.


    I don't think the world is getting worse - think about it - in the 40's there was WWII; in the 50's everybody was poor; in the 70's the part of the world I was in had lots of crime and robbery, 80's the tensed Cold War and the iron curtain... Every decade has its own challenge. Even Cartier-Bresson sometimes couldn't get the picture he wanted to get because situation isn't safe. Our time certainly doesn't look worse than our grandparents' time. Although every time you say "Hi" to someone they may not smile back. We will encounter bad people but we ought to know the world is bigger than this. Don't lose faith. : >

  8. As for the beach...depends on the wind. On a calm day you don't have to worry much, just brush/blow the sand off afterwards (if there's any). I've been to windy desert and there were times I couldn't take my camera out because of the wind and flying sand, but even on a slightly windy day it was fine. It helps to put each of your lens into a ziplock bag. If you are paranoid - use a ziplock bag on the camera too while you are shooting - but I never bother to do that.


    My advice for the air show - get some ear plugs. You'll notice the servicemen (who stand with the crowd) have that in their ears. : )

  9. Perhaps the parent of that kid complained to the police? Who knows. Not everyone likes to be photographed. I like to shoot street scene too, but if I were some protective parent and had the impression that some stranger keeps aiming a camera at my kid (although impression could be wrong), I'd be concerned too. (Imagine some stranger keeps photographing your girlfriend...) That's why I've given up photographing people and just shoot trees and rocks now. I've ran into those over-concerned parents in amusement park (they accused me of pushing their kid while I never touched her) and they ruined my day...therefore I know how you feel...I feel bad for your unpleasant experience too...the police were trying to do their job. Just don't be afraid when the authority runs into you - I've never got a speeding ticket in my life because I always kept my cool and was apologetic everytime I was pulled over. ; >

    Get a nice hug from someone and smile! Good Luck!

  10. Yes in the States homeowner insurance covers that - my friend's camera was stolen from his van in a concert parking lot, and he could get the $ back from his parents' homeowner insurance although the camera was not specified in the policy.


    Is any of the equipment purchased within 90 days with your credit card? They may have something like "Purchase Assurance" which covers theft loss. Good Luck!!!

  11. I have an N80 and I love my Nikon 18-35mm f3.5-f4.5D IF-ED AF. I am not rich and it's the most expensive lens I have, but I used it a lot and think it's worth every penny. Once you use it you won't want to touch your G lens again (I save the G lens in case someone borrows my camera.) But if cost is a concern...I haven't used a Vivitar so can't compare - sorry.
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