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Image Comments posted by FilmPhotography-DuaneHorne

  1. Any constructive critiques on what to do about the blow out in the

    glass? I took this at the wrong time of day with the sun coming in

    right through the stained glass. This was taken with a Mamaya C220

    with a 65mm lens. Your thoughts please.

  2. Any constructive critiques on what to do about the blow out in the

    glass? I took this at the wrong time of day with the sun coming in

    right through the stained glass. This was taken with a Mamaya C220

    with a 65mm lens. Your thoughts please.



    "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."

    Martin Luther King, Jr.




    "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."

    Martin Luther King, Jr.



    Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin said "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." I say, we have become too complacent listening to statistics.


    Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin said "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." I say, we have become too complacent listening to statistics.



    This is the companion photograph. It was an excerpt from the larger

    photo in which it appears a a blank white sheet in the middle of the

    image. The young man's name was Eric. I do not use PS but it was

    necessary to decipher the lettering on this memorial linen; a tribute

    to this fallen child from a hurt family. It is hard to read and this

    was the best I could do.

    FROM THE PREVIOUS SUBMISSION : I took this image enroute to work a

    few weeks ago. A young boys was shot and killed not very far from

    where I reside. This is where his family lives. None ogf this makes

    any sense. We as a nation do so much abroad, but not enought at home

    to stem the tide of poverty, ignorace and violence. Where is Homeland

    Security? Are we indeed securing the homeland? This is not just the

    responsibility of the current administration in Washington. It is the

    responsibility of all of us to at least be good parents, good law

    enforcements officers at the local level, good public servants at the

    local level, good teachers and educators and ministers and social

    workers and good citizens, all, at the local level. THE only thing

    necessary for evil to flourish, according to Sir Edmund Burke, is

    for ?good men to do nothing.? This principle still holds. And I ask

    myself, what have I done or failed to do. What about yourself? Your

    thoughts please.



    You will please see the companion photograph also. I took this image

    enroute to work a few weeks ago. A young boys was shot and killed

    not very far from where I reside. This is where his family lives.

    None ogf this makes any sense. We as a nation do so much abroad, but

    not enought at home to stem the tide of poverty, ignorace and

    violence. Where is Homeland Security? Are we indeed securing the

    homeland? This is not just the responsibility of the current

    administration in Washington. It is the responsibility of all of us

    to at least be good parents, good law enforcements officers at the

    local level, good public servants at the local level, good teachers

    and educators and ministers and social workers and good citizens,

    all, at the local level. THE only thing necessary for evil to

    flourish, according to Sir Edmund Burke, is for ?good men to do

    nothing.? This principle still holds. And I ask myself, what have I

    done or failed to do. What about yourself?


    Your thoughts please.

    I do not re


    try a #25 red filter and see what happens with digital. I often shoot with an opaque #87 red filter with a polarizer and get very good results. But a 25 should be enough. Nice work.


    cemetaries are the perfect subject for IR. Very nice composition. I shoot film IR exclusively. How did you achieve the lightness in the sky; most of the time IR renders the sky dark. Was it an overcast day? Do you use red filters when shooting digital IR?

    Blues Singer


    Initially, I was going to entitle this, "street musician". But I

    decided that Musician was enough. I have known this man for years,

    althought I never bothered to get his name; shame on me! He plays a

    lively blues repertoir on a corner in Greektown, Detroit MI. He

    plays in the cold of winter and the heat of the summer. I dont know

    where he lives, althought considering he is there almost daily,

    playing for a few dollar bills, I would surmise he probably does not

    have a sprawling home in the suburbs. Within a few yards of him lies

    a church, several thriving restaurants and a casino. Lots of money

    and yet... And me?... I ask to take his photograph with equipment

    that cost "a pound and a crown", yet this dear soul must sing for a

    few dollars. Makes me wonder where my priorities are as well as

    those of our nation; millions of dollars around him, yet he has none.

    The next time I am there, I will ask him his name...

    Blues Singer II


    Initially, I was going to entitle this, "street musician". But I

    decided that Musician was enough. I have known this man for years,

    althought I never bothered to get his name; shame on me! He plays a

    lively blues repertoir on a corner in Greektown, Detroit MI. He

    plays in the cold of winter and the heat of the summer. I dont know

    where he lives, althought considering he is there almost daily,

    playing for a few dollar bills, I would surmise he probably does not

    have a sprawling home in the suburbs. Within a few yards of him lies

    a church, several thriving restaurants and a casino. Lots of money

    and yet... And me?... I ask to take his photograph with equipment

    that cost "a pound and a crown", yet this dear soul must sing for a

    few dollars. Makes me wonder where my priorities are as well as

    those of our nation; millions of dollars around him, yet he has none.

    The next time I am there, I will ask him his name...

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