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mark soares

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Image Comments posted by mark soares





    Always was a fan of your work. Good to see your still at it. I like the combination and the poses are very natural. Love the film look to the picture and the tonality. I personally thing the two pictures go well together - one shows the girl in a posed form and the other as being more herself. Both pics look very natural.

    Nicely done





    I think its an incredible picture - very very well done in my opinion. Love the lighting, the subject, the highlights around the eyes and the composition. 7/7





    The purple/blue is there in the sky and it detracts a little bit, but i still think its an incredible image - those skies look amazing. Great Job!


    This shot is impossible - the reason it is impossible is that for all the birds to have the same amount of sharpness they would all have to be in the same plane of focus which is impossible. Secondly, the poor attempt at making the birds of different sizes in order to try and give some perspective to the image only makes matters worst. Now, are we to believe that all the birds were on the same focal plane and that tthe smaller birds were somehow arranged on the bottom of the picture? If you like, sunset pictures thats fine. If you like photoshopped pictures that is also fine. I like them in moderation, what i don't understand is how all these people are giving 7/7 for something that is clearly manipulated because they think it is not. If it's manipulated, just say so, i'll respect that more. Having said all of that, the final aesthetics are not bad, with the exceptions of the conflicting perspective problem and sharpness of the birds, i would probably give this a 4/5.




    See, now this is a beautiful picture - i'd like to see more of these images get better ratings, it just doesn't seem fair the ratings this image has! i love the pattern on her coat, how it makes it monochromatic and the hair blowing in the wind. all in all a very strong image.


    god i love these fuckin holges, they depress the hell out of me with the images they create but they are great. hey man throw some more holga pictures up!
  1. It's not a bad photo but its a tad unflattering. Not that every portrait has to be flattering, it seems a bit over dodged and overburnt. I nonetheless like it. However the angle of his head is driving me crazy so i'm posting the photo with his head straight.


    Abandoned Truck

    i think if you turned this into a B&W photo i'd appreciate it, but its just with color it seems a little overdone in photoshop with all the dodging and burning. I'd like to see it B&W personally. Good job anyways
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