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Posts posted by marcantel

  1. My good neighbor who knows i collect cameras came over the other night and

    gave me a camera he recived from his grandpaws family heirloom.I read many

    threads since i got this camera.But still have acouple of questions.Its a 515

    w/a 7.5cm lens anastigmat w/A kilo shutter 1~175.Shutter sticks open from 25

    down to 1 but works fine from 25 30 to 175.The format is a 6x9 B2 2 1/4 x 3

    1/4which is printed inside the film back.My question is the lens focal length

    with this 6x9 format.everthing i see has a 105mm or 108.Also does any have any

    tips on how to count the frames accurately without overlaping or spacing to

    much, because i really want to shoot this camera.I'm not sure the modern film

    still has the numbers on the back paper.

  2. Recently purchased a rollei 35 LED with owners manuel<not very useful>.I found

    on a site you can put 4 1.5 batteries in the top hole W/+ side up and i got

    mine working.My question is does only the shutter speed set the green light.I

    don't think the apeature has any affect.Also i have a 35 B Rollei and i have

    click stops on each setting, but on the LED its just smooth all the way from

    3.5 to 22.Is this common for the LED.

  3. I have an old 1960s polaroid mp-3 i picked up at work.After fooling around

    with it i discovered how it works and relized a graflex 4x5 back slips in

    behind the focus screen.My question is has anyone used this camera as a field

    camera in large format.I know its heavy and bulky to lug around.Has anyone had

    good results with this beast.Lens is a rodenstock 127mm f4.7-45 w/ prontor

    shutter 1 sec to 125.

  4. I have a mp4 with parts missing that i want to sell on ebay.the shutter lens

    is pretty nice w/ very clean glass.Its a Prontor w/rodenstock-ysaron 1:4.7

    127mm.shutter speed is 125-1.Shutter is sticky on 1 but works on all other

    speeds.My question is the rodenstock lens fits on my synchro-compur graphic.On

    my graphic is kodak ektar 127 4.7 in someone's opinion which is the better

    lens to keep since they both fit.I want to sell shutter/lens w/mp4. Thanks


  5. Just for discssion in lue of my post on jan 2 07 i made the purchsse of the

    old glass negatives for 3.00 each.But come to find out they are not negatives

    at all but are postives.To my amaze i never seen anything like this.They are

    from the keystone co in Pa.I think they were used in some kind of slide

    projector for class room study.They are labled under plants and anaimals with

    series numbers 105 to 131.They are sandwiched with a clear glass plate and a

    little card board mat with the info. on it and bordered with black tape.We put

    one in the enlarger and burned one on paper and naturally the highlights and

    shadows are in reverse.I guess my question is to find out about how old these

    plates are? Any responses for discussion appricated. thanks Danny

  6. Shooting a wedding,its was the group shot behind the cake i set my MF 55mm wide angle on a small table next to me and it politely rolled off and bounced on the hard wood floor,but the lens is fine.Shooting another wedding in my friends home for his daughter I accidently pressed the release button on my sunpak 522 flash holder and my F2 nikon took a gooood lick on his ceramic tile floor, 150.00 worth.
  7. I think the pros flooded the market with their med format eq.and are crying about the prices being so low, or they say their film cameres aren't worth anything.Dhaa! The market is flooded and their are too many.Wait till they they start putting those 2500.00 3000.00 digital nikon and canons.Just hope they give a 12 month 15000 picture or money back warrenty.
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