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tea man

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Image Comments posted by tea man

    Being Green

    Nice image but I think the frog is being dominated by the wood and background. Some cropping would do the trick nicely. I like that the texture of the skin is nicely captured.

    Man with time

    Thank you for your kind comment Pete. This image was a little burnt out on the wrong kind of slide film. Turning it into a monochrome in PS seemed like the best way to deal with the image.
  1. As a general comment, I think most images are too damn small. I understand why they're small but a pity because I think images such as this really suffer from lack of resolution. As a personal comment, this is a really pleasing image.


    As an image composition, I think that this is really cool but the image does display some "Photoshop cut-and-paste" qualities as Yannick has mentioned earlier. However, at this resolution, its difficult to tell how well, or badly, this image has been composed.
  2. This is one of the images that JPEG compression really does a job on. In order for the image size to be relatively decent, the compression has made the tree branches fuzzy. The original is much more "crispy".
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