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tea man

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Image Comments posted by tea man

    Venice at Night

    Sunil, night shots are all to do with the speed of your lens or the use of a tripod. For many of the night street shots with a strong light source, I've a simple formula of handshooting a 50mm/f1.4 at 1/60sec or 14mm/f2.8 at around 1/15 sec. It the lense is slower or longer or you need more depth of field, a tripod is often necessary or you can press the camera up against a wall or something.


    Looks like he's figured a way out of the playpen. Very nice. I like this because it seems to portray that elusive "moment of clarity."


    I think your initial thought of selective focus is the right one. Focusing on the foreground eye generally helps anchor the image but in this case quite acceptable. Its an unusual shot and quite compelling. nicely done.
  1. Thanks all for your good comments.


    This photo has already been cropped but I think I instinctively left more space around the people because of the nature of the location. I think I was trying to preserve the feel of openness and remoteness of the paddy field by pulling back a little and exposing more of the surround. About the exposure, thats another matter...


    Intresting image. I would cut off the top 1/4 of this image. The words seem to make this simple image difficult to grasp. Besides I like the muted colors of the car against the strong blue wall and the other bright colors just get in the way.
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