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Posts posted by nate_macdonald

  1. I might be wrong on this, but I don't believe any digital camera will actually shoot in B&W. What they do is take the shot in colour and then convert it. As far as that goes you're better off doing the conversion yourself in photoshop.
  2. Robert, how about reading the posts and responding to what was actually said instead of putting words in people's mouths and drawing your own illogical conclusions?


    No one is saying Sony can or can't do anything. Everyone is aware of the further potential of digital imaging technology. We all know that as technology advances costs tend to drop and performance improves. We are speculating on what we think we can expect from Sony in the near future, no one has drawn any absolutes because no one here knows what the future holds.


    Thank you.

  3. I'm not assuming they're expensive, I know they're expensive.

    Of course they're coming down in price as the technology moves forward, but with roughly the same number of pixels per square inch, a full-frame sensor is still going to cost more than an APS sensor. Same as a medium format sensor is still going to cost more than a 35mm full frame.

  4. I'm well aware that the vast majority of K/M lenses are full frame lenses. I'm not saying Sony won't release a full frame sensor camera,

    assuming their dSLR line is going to be succesfull, it's quite likely that they will...eventually.


    Given that they've just entered into the dSLR market, it would be a considerable risk to release a camera with an expensive full frame sensor right off the bat. Sony has the luxury of being able to absorb the loss if the camera floped, and they'd probably still be ok by selling the sensor to Nikon/Pentax regardless. I do think Sony is quite capable of releasing a FF camera, I'd be quite surprised if they didn't have such a sensor in development or maybe even ready to go. I still don't expect it to be coming anytime soon, but I'd be very happy if it did.

  5. I'd rather see Sony take the time to do it right, rather than rush to the shelves with a semi-pro model. It looks like they accomplished what they wanted with the Alpha 100, virtually every aspect of the 5d has been upgraded, and delivering the product at under $1000 is going to have a significant impact and the entry level dSLR market.


    So basically they've got their foot firmly in the door. I'm like you though Abigail, I have the Maxxum 7 and I love it. If I was buying now, I'd likely go with the 7d over the Alpha 100. Sure it's got more megapixels and a reportedly better anti-shake - but more of the controls are outside of the camera on the 7d, the viewfinder is better, the build is better, it has a grip, etc.


    All that said, I'm holding out in the assumption that Sony will be releasing a semi-pro model that will hold true to all the things that make the 7d a great camera.

  6. I think that all the Maxxum cameras use an infrared film counter which will fog infrared film. However I know there is a modification that can be done with the Maxxum 9 that will compensate for this.
  7. I don't have experience with the Sigma lens, but I have the 28-100 and have recently purchased the 28-75 f/2.8.


    I seriously doubt that I'll ever use the 28-100 again. The 28-75 hands down is a superior lens.

  8. I picked up a used one a little over a year ago for $125 cdn. Best money I ever spent. I'd argue it's worth the $250.00 and then some, but I wouldn't be surprised if you found an even better deal.
  9. I expect prices will be fluctuating quite a bit, at least until Sony comes out with something concrete.


    On one hand you've got people who are invested in Minolta equipment already and are trying to get ahold of things like grips before they go off the market.


    On the other though, you've got people who are jumping ship and trying to offload their Minolta stuff quickly.


    Maxxum 7Ds are going anywhere from $600 US to $1000 US on ebay. Best recommendation is to shop around as much as possible. I got a great deal on a lens the week before last, but as it becomes harder to find the price can climb back up in a hurry.

  10. I picked up a brand new 28-75 /2.8 D for $400.00 CDN at Aden Camera (I think it was their last one though).


    I was also in a shop in Vancouver a few weeks ago with the 100mm 2.8 macro lens. It was still priced at $1000, but the fella said he wouldn't refuse any reasonable offer.

  11. I like the cropping idea, if you have a FF sensor with the same number of pixels per square centimetre as a 6 or 8 MP APS sensor, you shouldn't loose any detail. The only problem is that you're still using the same viewfinder that will see the same FF image. I wonder if it would be possible to dynamically magnify the viewfinder as well? Or perhaps just have a viewscreen with an APS "crop" stencilled in.


    And if you want FF with anti-shake, I think making the sensor slightly smaller than FF would be worth it. You only need a very narrow margin to make anti-shake work and I think the benefits of that would outweigh your sensor being exactly the same size.

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