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Everything posted by johne37179

  1. White balance is set to auto -- I hadn't checked previously -- good tip, but unfortunately not the fix.
  2. My D500 does a great job at capturing information and I have never worked with a better camera. However, it does seem to have a preference for things magenta. I have played with the picture controls and make changes now in Lightroom when processing. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? If so, what did you do about it?
  3. Ben, Mortz is of no consequence. I could not care less about what he thinks or says. I champion everyone's right to think and speak as they wish. Everyone has the right to be stupid and irrelevant. It is not my job in life to point out how stupid or irrelevant they are. This is one reason so many prefer the companionship of a dog over people.
  4. I don't think anyone should expect the site to carry them. I would prefer a site that is as vanilla as possible and therefore the photographer's work is what stands out. Having said that the site should be technically superb in order to facilitate that exposure.
  5. Tim: It has nothing to do with look or feel -- it is the folk who run the site that were the issue.
  6. I think passion is the key to creativity. I have been doing this for over 65 years and I never stop learning. In my case any creativity is the result of expanding my vision by spending time at my craft -- that means a lot of time looking at the work of my contemporaries and the classic artists. As with any skill it is practice that improves performance.
  7. I stopped using any part of the site for anything other than the people on the forum. I think you are spot on with your views. I have nearly 1.5 million views on YouPic and display my work there and on Flickr.
  8. I had the same thought. The weather sealing on the grip (I don't know if it is any better on the Nikon grip for three times the price), may not be what it is on the camera body.
  9. I'm right handed, but left eye dominant. It means that not only shooting a cameral, but shooting a gun I use my left eye. I have the normal rubber eye cap. I always used to use the larger eye cups, but I'd guess that today they would prevent viewing the entire screen.
  10. I use my D500 yesterday in some pretty wet weather. While I kept it out of the rain when not shooting it was exposed to the weather off and on for about two hours. I have a third party grip on it. After uploading the images I noticed that when I went to the menu function it would continually scroll through all of them and I could not get it to stop short of turning the camera off and on. As I typically do I took all of the components I used during the day apart (just disconnected) and let them air dry and reassembled them. Everything functioned fine after that. There was no visible moisture anywhere except on the exterior, but it could have gotten into connections. Everything seems fine, so I'm just alerting other D500 users.
  11. Cell phones are great for snapshots. DSLRs are for photographs -- and the is a big difference.
  12. Joseph, I love the focus point toggle as well. However, it is so close to the bridge of my nose when looking through the camera that I have to pull my eye back slightly from the viewfinder to use it. I'm left eye dominant and use my left eye to the camera. I have downloaded all the pdfs, gone to the sites you mentioned, saved the YouTube videos. As to metering, it is in high contrast situations (and I shoot a fair amount in those settings) that I want to center the meter in a specific location on the image. I also have two of the third party books on the camera. My suggestion is that Nikon should be the producer of this material and not rely on third parties. Watson, I used to get great support from their reps too, both on the east and west coast. This was back in film days and I was a working photographer I still do get paid occasionally, but don't actively seek shooting for someone else. These days I shoot for myself and my galleries.
  13. I thought they might have a process in place.
  14. I'm using a D7000 as a backup to my D500, but will look at the D7200 as the prices come down.
  15. This is basically directed at Shun, unless others know the answer. How do you provide product feedback to Nikon. I've had my D500 for a couple of months and shoot several hundred images a day. I absolutely love the camera. It is without a doubt the best and most versatile body I've ever used. I love the speed of the AF -- it continually makes me smile. I have fewer shots lost due to misfocus, I like the rugged body, the quiet shutter, etc. However, I do have a few nits to pick: The camera is very complex and has a steeper learning curve than any I've used and I have used Nikons since the very ear F days and started shooting digitally with a D1. I would appreciate much better supporting material to make the learning easier. The focus point toggle on the back of the camera is almost under the bridge of my nose and difficult to use easily and I use it all of the time. A mover 1mm to the right would make a big difference. I'm still struggling with the metering and would love to steer the spot meter like I can the focus point, because at times I don't want them together.
  16. I probably post process 20% of what I shoot, but I save all of them -- memory is cheap. I have over a million original images with three backups. I delete only those images that were accidental trips of the shutter. I don't delete that "bad" ones because even if they are not visually what I want there is information there that I can use and learn from.
  17. Have you calibrated the focus for different lenses? I know on my old D7000 there was a wide range of adjustments needed for four of my lenses. Have you changed lenses recently?
  18. The issue is whether or not the person would seem to endorse whatever the commercial use is. However, it it is a a crowd image or only an implication that the person was present, I believe that would be considered fair use and covered by the terms agreed to as a condition of entrance.
  19. My D500 has a touch screen and I've never used it. I with Wouter on this.
  20. The color/tone is the tone I included in my conception of the image before I went out to get it. It is part of the creative process of perceiving the image long before you pick up the camera to top out and capture the image.
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