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rob valine

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Image Comments posted by rob valine

  1. Thanks for the comments ! After trying several different methods of shooting butterflies without success, I finally came up with something that works for me. They don't settle for very long anywhere and long lenses don't work. You simply won't have enough time to focus, compose and expose. What I do is pre focus a 28-90mm manual focus macro lens down to about 7 or 8 inches and then sneak up behind them and shoot very quickly with available light. Exposure is set in advance also because there is no time to figure this out when you only have time to compose. I've also found that pushing 100 speed slide film 2 stops to ISO 400 seems to work very well for this type of shooting and will give you a faster shutter speed. A large open field full of wild flowers will give you a number of subjects to chase. It can be fun and challenging.
  2. I came across this accident scene on the way home from work one

    night. I had been shooting Fine Art Black and White photos earlier in

    the day and had one roll of Kodak TMax 100 speed film left in my

    camera bag. The softness is due to the slow shutter speed. F2.8 at

    1/30 sec. handheld. Comments Welcome!


    Very Nice! This one makes me curious what a Horizontal shot would look like. Maybe one of each would be nice for variety. Did you do any horizontal shots ?


    This is Awesome! Love the lighting in the foreground and the stormy background. Great composition as well. Congrats on a great photo! 7/7
  3. This car hit an Oak tree that was about 3 feet around. Needless to

    say, the tree didn't move. The driver lost control at a high speed

    and never even hit the brakes. Believe it or not 2 people walked away

    from this one. They were very lucky. Comments Welcome!

  4. Thank You to everyone for your kind comments. I tried to edit the details of this photo. But, I guess it's too late. I made a mistake on the film speed. This was actually TMax 100 which is the reason for the blur. I didn't have a flash with me at the time and this had to be done in very low available light and handheld. I don't remember the shutter speed. But, I would guess 2.8 at 1/30. I don't know if there were any fatalities. However, someone was taken to the hospital before I arrived.
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